It's the one place that can probably, no, always solve our problems. Feeling hangry? (hungry and angry) - I know we know this feeling far too well- Chipotle can cure it. A blessing in disguise, Chipotle is always the answer. Here are the stages we all have become far too familiar with when we get Chipotle.
1. The Ordering Stage
Your mouth is watering as you repeat the sacred ritual. I need it, and I need it now.
2. The "Guac is Extra Charge" Stage
"Guac is an extra charge is that okay?" Let the gif speak for itself, friends.
3. The "This Bowl is so Perfect I Don't Wanna Ruin It" Stage
The perfect amount of white rice, black beans, mild salsa, corn salsa, cheese, lettuce and yep, please throw on that guac generously. (Rehearse that order in my sleep).
4. The "Imma 'Bout To Dive In" Stage
Let the bloat begin.
5. The "Every Last Bite Counts" Stage
You don't just "finish" your bowl. No, you scrape the sides not once but, twice.
6. The "No Regrets" Stage
Let's be real, you deserved it.
7. The "Embrace the Bloat" Stage
Be proud of the post-Chipotle bloat. Actually, don't just be proud, flaunt it.
8. The "I'll Be Back" Stage
Trust me, I'll be seein' you in a few days.