8 Perks Of Attending The Same College As Your Older Sister | The Odyssey Online
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8 Perks Of Attending The Same College As Your Older Sister

Sisters by chance, SDSU legacy by choice.

8 Perks Of Attending The Same College As Your Older Sister
Jerralyn Davis

Attending any college or university is a great thing. Attending San Diego State University with your older sister is the most amazing experience. My sister, Janine Davis, is not only my blood sister, sorority sister and best friend, she's also the biggest inspiration in life. We're only 11 months apart, so we've gone through everything together. I cannot imagine my college experience without my sister. There are a million benefits of going to the same college as your older sister, but here are my top eight favorite reasons.

1. Just like high school, her friends are automatically your friends.

Your older sister always knows the coolest, most down to earth people to hang out with. Your sister's friends automatically become your friends by association because if she's cool and amazing, then you are automatically cool and amazing as well.

2. You have the inside scoop on classes and professors.

Ratemyprofessor.com is a great resource but if your sister has physically taken the classes and survived class assignments, quizzes and tests she can give you specific pointers to pass the class. Plus, a plethora of Google docs, Quizlet and study guides.

3. You always have someone to go to parties with that you know will look out for you.

The party scene at any college can be dangerous if you go out by yourself. Having your sister at a party with not only means that you guys will keep an eye on each other, it means that you also have someone that will go to Trujillo's with you at 2 a.m. for a night cap and some much needed Mexican food.

4. You always have a shoulder to cry on and a friend to turn to.

She's really the only person that understands you inside and out. She knows exactly what you need when your stressed and what you want to do when you have free time. She understands that sometimes you really just need someone to listen to you rant about how that stupid guy in your Tuesday class sat in your seat, the seat that you inadvertently claimed as yours because you sat there on the first day of class. Plus, she won't judge you when you "ugly cry" for literally no reason.

5. She's always down to get food on campus with you.

Want to get acai bowls but don't want to go by yourself? Ring your sister! You know for a fact that your sister will always be down, especially on Wednesdays when they're only $4. And you know she'll spot you when you spend all your money on the 5 for $27 deal on underwear at Victoria Secret. #PutItOnYourTab

6. She gives you the best tips on how to get involved on campus and get the most out of your college experience.

She's been on campus for a while and she's experienced first hand, how your life can change when you join an organization on campus, whether it be a club or a Greek organization. Not only can joining clubs and student organizations be great for your social life, it does wonders for your networking and professional skills.

7. You never have to miss each other's birthdays.

Birthdays are a big deal and it sucks when you can't celebrate with your entire family. But since she's there right by your side, it doesn't seem so lonely. Plus, you have free range of each other's closet.

8. When you're with her, you always have a piece of home with you.

Home is where your heart is. If you love your sister as much as I do, home is wherever she is. She, like your whole family, has been a constant in your life. Your source of happiness and comfort. Having her by your side makes that "homesick" feeling go away, or just subside until you can both go home for break.

College can be overwhelming but having your big sister by your side not only makes it easier but also makes it more enjoyable. So go ahead, apply to the same college or university as your older sister, you definitely won't regret it.

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