I think we can all agree that we are not the same person we were when we left high school. For the majority of us, college is a fresh start. Without noticing, you change things about yourself and do things that you would never have done in high school. Do you think high school me would hug a Coke machine for a free soda? Ha, no.
College changes people, it’s a fact, but no matter how many people you meet at parties, club meetings, and lectures there are still people from high school that you can’t forget. I’m not talking about the teacher of the year, prom queen or even your very best friends, I’m talking about the people who made high school a standardized experience.
These are the eight people who made high school what it is, also known as the people you'll talk/gossip about with your friends when you’re all old and successful.
1. The teacher who changed your life
This one is a given, who doesn’t have a high school teacher that inspired them in one way or another? These are the types teachers that did more than teach, they actually cared about you and wanted to make sure that you were successful. They worked with you when you were having a bad day, inspired you to be a better person and gave you advice when you had no idea what to do. This teacher made high school bearable and while you might not see him or her anymore their impact on you still lingers.2. Your school counselor
There are two ways this can go. You might remember your school counselor for being super amazing (like mine was) or for being semi-decent, but either way, you still remember them. Whether you needed a letter of recommendation, college advice or to change your class schedule, your school counselor was there and ready to help.
3. The person who thought they knew everything
I think we all have experienced this. Someone who is super smart and wants to show off. Okay, we get it, you’re smart and we cannot compare. On the plus side, while these people still exist in college but you’re only stuck with them for a semester.
4. The class clown (and their friends)
You know who you are. These are the people you’d laugh at while you rolled your eyes. When you think of all the time, money and planning it takes to be the class clown, it’s amazing that it was all done for free.
5. The person that knew literally everyone
Hi, yes, how is it possible for you to know the entire student body? Really though, this person had the contact information for at least 90% of your graduating class and probably some of your teachers too.
6. The teacher you hated
7. The group of kids who were so extra
You know that group of people that went all out for spirit week? Who did the most outrageous things for a for a school project? Who would actually have a dance-off at a school dance? Yeah, those people.