Memorial Day weekend has just passed and everyone knows that means that summer has finally started. Everyone heads to the beach, their local pool, or their backyard. Hair gets lighter and skin gets darker, well, not everyone's skin. There is a percentage of the population whose body doesn't produce as much melanin as the rest of the population, or in simpler words, can't get a tan. There is nothing us fair skinned people can do about it and there are some things us naturally pale people are tired of hearing.
"Why don't you go to a tanning salon?"
This is easily the worst thing you could say to me. It's one thing if you want to risk skin cancer but don't encourage me to go lay in a cancer bed because it's more appealing to your eyes. My risk of getting skin cancer is already higher than yours without the tanning bed and, honestly, I'd rather be pale than have skin cancer. Thanks for the suggestion though.
"Go lay out in the sun longer."
It isn't as simple as being in the sun longer for me to get a tan. I get burnt from fifteen minutes of sun exposure. Laying out in the sun for a longer period of time won't make me any tanner but, on the contrary, it will make me redder.
"You know you would have been really attractive a couple centuries ago."
Does that mean I'm not attractive now? And that's nice to know but that doesn't affect me now so why does that matter? Furthermore, why does the color of my skin determine if I'm attractive or not?
"You have a lot of freckles."
I am aware of the numerous freckles covering my body, thank you for pointing them out though. You're very observant.
"Casper", "ghost", any nickname associated with being pale
These names aren't original, they aren't funny, and I've heard them all before, now, please don't call me them because, frankly, they make me self conscious of my pale skin. I'm not making up names for you based on your skin color so please don't do it to me.
"You look ill."
No, I feel fine. I'm in great health. I'm just naturally pale.
*Wears white* "You blend in with your outfit!"
Ha ha ha. There is more color in my skin than that though, I'm not pure white.
"I like being around you because you make me feel tan."
I can make anyone look tan. It's like my own special superpower. I'm glad you enjoy it.
This summer, please keep your pale friends in mind. We're not all as tan as you, and honestly, not all of us want to be. It's a challenge being a pale person who loves the sun and going to the beach as it is. We have to constantly worry about reapplying sunscreen and staying covered. Please don't make it harder for us and try to keep the comments listed above to a minimum.