The 18th season of CBS's hit summer reality show, Big Brother, is well under way. Ever since I can remember, I've watched the show religiously. The show's motto is "expect the unexpected", and this season is living up to that for sure! It's time to hear what this BB Superfan has to say about BB18 and some its house guests.
1. Returners/ Siblings
First things first. Big Brother has, once again, cast past house guests and family members of past house guests. This is fine and dandy. I'm sure the already acquired fan-base they have helps the show with ratings, but honestly, it's getting kind of old. Don't get me wrong, it's great to see my favorite house guests back at it again, and it's cool to get to know the siblings (especially the beautiful Paulie). It just gets kind of annoying that people who have already been on the show or are related to them get picked over potential new house guests. If I applied for Big Brother and a returner or sibling got chosen over me, I'd be a little salty. Give other people a chance to win the half million dollar prize!
I also think the game is a little unfair to the siblings. They are immediately judged by the other house guests because of how their family member played the game. Paulie is Cody Calafiore's brother from BB16 and Tiffany is Vanessa Russo's sister from BB17. Paulie was dubbed with respect because Cody made it to the final two in his season. I'm honestly shocked he hasn't been a bigger target because of that. That was definitely the case for Tiffany. Vanessa came in third place during her season. She was a ticking timebomb on an emotional rollercoaster as well. The BB18 house guests figured Tiff would ride that same rollercoaster, and unfortunately she did. Apparently they found that to be a bigger threat than Paulie beasting at competitions just like his brother. I can't wrap my head around why, but I'm not complaining too much. That just means Paulie's beautiful self is still in the house.
2. Teams Twist
Every season of Big Brother has a different twist. This year, one of them was the team twist. On the very first night, the four returners picked a player they wanted on their team for the season, that person picked the next player for their team, and so on and so forth. This seemed a little too much like grade school gym class, but whatever. That's not the part of the twist I wasn't a fan of. One of the guidelines to the teams twist was if someone from your team won HoH (Head of Household), the entire team was safe from eviction for the week. They couldn't be put up on the block, be blindsided from BB Roadkill (another twist this season), or back-doored by the Power of Veto. Everyone on the team would be 100 percent safe that week. Okay, that's also fine and dandy, until the biggest threat in the house is continuously safe every week because his team keeps winning HoH competitions. That was one of the most frustrating things to watch. Everyone in the house realized Frank was running the show and making the decisions every week. He had a big target on his back, but no one could do anything about it because his team was a beast at comps. Thankfully, last week was the end of the teams twists and Frank was sent packing.
3. BB Roadkill
With the teams twist came (and went) the second twist of the season: BB Roadkill. Whoever won this competition had the power to secretly nominate a third person for eviction. I loved this twist. It gave other people in the house the power to potentially change the outcome of that week. My favorite BB Roadkill outcome was when Tiffany was up on the block and won the competition. She tried to put a bigger target up on the chopping block in hopes it could keep her safe. Unfortunately, she was a big enough target in the house that it didn't change her fate in the game, but this competition gave her a fighting chance. As frustrating as it was to see people I liked going up on the block because of this comp, it definitely kept things interesting (expect the unexpected). That's one of the reasons I love Big Brother so much. I was sad to see this twist come to an end.
4. Victor and The Battle Back Competition
Another of the many twists on BB18 was the Battle Back competition. The five first evicted house guests battled in a series of competitions which happened to be a rendition of the HoH competition the remaining house guests played in the night they were evicted (except in Glenn's case since he didn't even get to play the game for two days before getting booted out). The first evicted house guest battled against the second evicted. The winner went on to battle the third evicted, and so on and so forth. The house guest that ended up on top was Victor. I definitely had mixed feelings about this. I was never a big fan of Victor in the house before. I read his bio before he entered the house, and he just gave me a bad vibe. Kudos to him though for fighting his way back at a second chance of the half million dollar prize. He earned his spot fair and square, and I'm glad he's getting to continue to live his Big Brother dream. Since Big Brother is giving him a second chance, I am too. So far I have no complaints about him in the house. Hopefully he keeps it up!
5. #Friendship
When Paul came into the Big Brother house this summer, I really didn't think I was going to like him. Not because he's a bearded tattooed man, but because he seemed very abrasive during early competitions. He seemed like it had to be his way or the highway. His actions towards Da'Vonne (a returner and fellow teammate) during competitions gave me a bad first impression of him. Boy was I wrong. This man is probably one of my favorites this season. He's upbeat, hilarious, and has the best motto in life: friendship. Who couldn't love a guy who values friendship so much (and who apparently makes the best muffins)?
6. Otev
Did anyone else think the Otev veto competition happened really early in the season? Because I sure did! I'm not complaining, though. The Otev comp is easily one of my favorites to watch every season. Let me tell you, the outcome of it could not have been better. Props to Michelle for winning a vital competition to send Frank packing!
7. Showmances and Bromances
8. The Beautiful People
I'll just casually leave this here:
And this:
Don't think I forgot about this:
My reaction reaction?
Yeah, I'd say this is one of the hottest seasons of Big Brother. No complaints here.
And there you have it. That is what I think of Big Brother 18 thus far. Lots of frustrating twists, drama, and outcomes are happening inside the house, but that's what keeps me watching. I'm always on the edge of my seat, dying to know what's going to happen next (so much that I avidly read spoilers before the next episode airs). Be on the lookout for more Big Brother related posts from me, because I really cannot get enough of this show! Here's to the rest of the season being as good as it has been, and remember: expect the unexpected.