1. “Meet Your Second Wife”
Every time I see this, I cry tears of joy because Amy and Tina have the best chemistry ever. Sure, it was a little gutsy, and some people thought it went a tad bit too far. But, honestly, I thought everything about this sketch was perfect.
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2. “The Beygency”
As a die-hard Beyonce fan, I 100% support because THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DISRESPECT BEYONCE. Caution, though: this trailer is rated NC-17 “for mild language against Beyonce.”
Also, look at: “The Day Beyonce Turned Black”
Funny because this exaggerated parody isn’t that far off from white America’s reaction to Beyonce’s “Formation” video.
“Maybe this song isn’t for us.”
3. “Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton”
Let’s be honest: Tina Fey sunk Sarah Palin’s career. Wait, actually, more like Sarah Palin sunk Sarah Palin’s career (and John McCain’s presidential campaign, for that matter). And, Amy Poehler’s HRC impression is pure gold. 2008 was a great year for Tina and Amy.
“I can see Russia from my house!”
4. “Palin Endorsement Cold Open”
Seriously, how is she so good at this? Tina Fey is better at playing Sarah Palin than Sarah Palin is at playing Sarah Palin.
5. “Hillary, Actually”
Okay, Kate McKinnon is probably one of the most, if not the most, talented SNL members in history. From Ellen Degeneres to Justin Bieber, Kate can slay any character impression with her acting skills, but her Hillary Clinton impression is probably the most accurate of them all.
6. Literally any of the 2016 presidential election skits, debates and all.
Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump? Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton? Larry David as Bernie Sanders? No matter whose side you were on this election, you’ll cherish these sketches forever.
And, here’s a classic from Larry as Bernie, probably one of the best sketches from Season 41.
7. “Voters For Trump Ad”
SNL fake ads are always on fire, but this one really takes the cake. Look, we all know that many Trump supporters aren’t racist, but it’s no secret that Donald Trump’s rhetoric has tapped into some of America’s white supremacist roots, leading to some racist violence at Trump rallies across America.
8. “Election Night”
LOL, did you guys really think that Donald Trump’s victory was a surprise? Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock sure didn’t.