College is hard. On top of that, being an Early Childhood Education major can have its hard days also. Lesson plans on lesson plans, you can't ever seem to catch a break. Everyday is one step closer to the day you get to finally student teach, and then before you know it, graduation is right around the corner. Being an Education major is not as easy as you think, but knowing that you're the reason a child has a smile on their face is worth every second of the late night study sessions and the early morning observations in the schools.
Here are 8 motivational quotes to help you realize that being an Early Childhood Education major is your calling.
1. "Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning" - Robert John Meehan
When a teacher loves their job, and is not only there for the money, they inspire their students to be bigger than their fears. Therefore, it is so important in classrooms to make children feel welcomed with open arms. The second a student knows that you as a teacher believe in them, they start to believe in themselves.
2. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" - Nelson Mandela
This quote is so important. In classrooms today, gender equality is such a huge deal. As teachers, it is our job to diminish gender equality so students do not have to deal with it. Teachers should make peace, not problems.
3. "The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see" - Alexandra K. Tenfor
The goal of any teacher is to make a student feel like they are important. Curiosity is such a powerful force. Think about it like this: if you tell someone where to look and you observe them, they are far more likely to be interested. If you tell them what to see, why would they bother to look?
4. "Don't struggle to be a better teacher than everybody else. Simply be a better teacher than you ever thought you could be" - Robert John Meehan
Nobody else's opinion matters. Always believe in yourself and stay true to yourself. You're going to have off days, believe me everyone has them. Not everyday is a bad day and failure is a way of teaching you how to grow. Just like the quote says, never struggle or stress yourself out trying to be better than everyone else. Be the best you ever thought you could be as a teacher.
5. "Educators are the only people who lose sleep over other people's children" - Nicholas Ferroni
This quote is one of my favorites because of all the compassion it shows for teachers and the love they have for their students. It is so crazy to think of teachers in this sense, but when your students make everyday worthwhile, who wouldn't lose sleep over such spectacular children?
6. "A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart" - Unknown
As a teacher, one of your top goals should be to keep your arms wide open with a warm welcome. Every single part of this quote is something to live by. A hand to hold, a mind ready to learn, and a learning heart is such great characteristics for a brilliant student.
7. "A little progress each day adds up to big results" - Satya Nani
NEVER GIVE UP. Every day you are learning something new, this will show in the end how successful and happy you will be. A teacher shoots for a goal little by little each day because they know in the end how big their goal results will be. This is so important to teachers, student teachers, and college students aspiring to be teachers.
8. "Children want the same things we want. To laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained, to be delighted" - Dr. Seuss
Such a great reminder for teachers. Every lesson, every activity, every craft should be something a student could take with them for the rest of their lives. Never forget that children are little humans to, and unique ones at that.
So, Early Childhood Majors, all this hard work in college is just making the "real world" so much easier as a future teacher. Everyday as an Early Childhood education major, will make each day closer to graduation worth it.