1. The people who blast their music at 3 in the morning when you have an early class at 8.
By all means enjoy your music, but there's this cool new thingy that was invented a while ago, it's called "headphones". You can listen to your music all by yourself and nobody has to hear your horrible taste in music but you. Crazy, I know.
2.) The people who always trash the bathroom
How old are we? Why is your crap all over the bathroom you have to share with other people? Why is your hair all over the walls and sinks? How much hair do you have? Why does it all keep falling out of your head? Why are you dumping your trash in the bathroom when there's a handy dandy dumpster right outside? So many questions...
3.) That one person who's always drunk
They roam the halls knocking on people's doors, throw up in the bathroom and ruin the day for everybody, they are always passing out, they're always bothering people they don't know. They're just a mess. I mean it's college, by all means, have fun, but when you're drunk on a Wednesday night you need help.
4.) The vape kids
Stop vapping into my face for the love of god...
5.) That one kid in class who always finds it necessary to share their irrelevant opinion
No one cares about your political views. Please stop.
6.) The people who have sex really loud
There's nothing more uncomfortable than knowing what kind of sex noises the people who live above you and next to you make...
7.) The person who takes up like three washing machines at once
How many clothes do you possibly need to wash? How are you such a terrible person that you take up three of the five washing machines that are there? I should just leave my clothes there, while I go do the other things I have to do in the day while you stay there and wash them, since you like washing clothes so much.
8.) The people who steal other people's clothes
Get your own damn clothes. The fact that you would wear other people's clothes is gross. You don't know what kind of bodily fluids come out of other people. You don't know how well those clothes were washed....