8 Mary-Kate And Ashley Movies & TV Shows That Every 90s Kid Watched | The Odyssey Online
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8 Mary-Kate And Ashley Movies & TV Shows That Every 90s Kid Watched

Feeling that early 2000's nostalgia

8 Mary-Kate And Ashley Movies & TV Shows That Every 90s Kid Watched

Being a 90's kid (and a twin sister at that) means that the Olsen sisters have a special place in my heart as far as media goes. I distinctly recall watching their movies when they were around my age and even younger (partly because I've been on a bit of a binge spree). While these are by no means Oscar worthy, they are cute and fun, and they all somehow end with the girl getting the guy. The crazy adventures these two go on are just to die for, and I hope to one day experience something close to it for myself.

1. Billboard Dad

Quite possibly the most charming movie of them all, twins Tess and Emily try to set up their widowed father with a new woman. They go to extremes and with the help of their friend Cody set up a billboard for all of their town to see, advertising their single dad Max. They wind up getting tons of letters from interested women, but none of them are the girl Max ends up going out with. And I mean, how can you resist two times these faces?

2. Winning London

This is one of the movies I just recently watched for the first time (and by that I mean last night). A Model UN team is competing in London for an international trophy, and they get into a mixup when another team is assigned the same country that they are. They end up giving China to the other team and are left with England as their country to debate on. While the plot wasn't the best, the boys that Chloe and Riley Lawrence end up with are babes, which always makes for a wonderful M-K & A movie.

3. Passport to Paris

Probably my favorite one of these movies when I was younger, Passport to Paris is full of adventures with these two little sneaks, which is nothing short of typical for them. On their spring break, their parents grant them tickets to visit their grandfather (the US ambassador to France). Instead of following their grandfather's assistant Jeremy around to all the museums, they run off to meet two cute boys, eat French food, and shop with a supermodel. What more could you want at the age of 13? I've always loved the fake French accents from these boys. (And yes, that is Ethan Peck on the left).

4. The Challenge

I remember watching this one a couple of years ago during my first Mary-Kate and Ashley movie binge, and I since can't find it again. It tells the story of Elizabeth and Shane Dalton who were estranged after their parents got divorced and each took one child to the opposite end of America. The two girls couldn't be any more different from each other, and when they are reunited on the same team of a Survivor-esque TV show, tensions rise fast. They eventually have to learn how to work with each other and obviously end up with two hunky fellows while in Mexico.

5. So Little Time

So Little Time is a TV show that most of my friends don't remember, and I think the only reason I know about it is because my mom bought the first half of the series on VHS (remember back when those were a thing?). This show follows Chloe and Riley Carson (same first names as the twins in Winning London but this time the Olsens are playing the opposite character) and their separated parents Macy and Jake, as well as their hilarious nanny Manuelo and crazy friend Larry. The girls aren't involved in so many crazy adventures with this series, but the humor of the show makes it so enjoyable and worth the watch. Lots of the episodes can be found on YouTube, and if you don't find yourself singing along to the theme song then I don't know who you are.

6. New York Minute

Another one that I just became familiar with, New York Minute is about two very different girls who are on their way to two different activities in the city; Jane is going to deliver a speech at Columbia University, and Roxy is cutting class to attend the Simple Plan video shoot. They end up having a debacle on the train where one of them doesn't have a ticket so they both get thrown off, and find a sketchy limo driver to take them into the city. He threatens to kill them and runs around trying to find Jane because she left her planner in the backseat, and she has a chip with a bunch of pirated music on it that was planted in her bag before going into the limo. Other featured actors include Eugene Levy (who was also Jim's dad in American Pie) and Jared Padelecki (who plays Dean in Gilmore Girls, my favorite TV show in the world).

7. Getting There

This one is one of the weaker movies, in my opinion. The actors aren't that great but the story is kind of fun to watch. After their 16th birthday, twins Kylie and Taylor Hunter pass their driver's tests and get a new car, which they plan to take to Salt Lake City for the 2002 Winter Olympics. They go with a group of their friends and find that their car has been stolen, then they boarded the wrong airplane, and then half of them get off of the wrong bus in the middle of nowhere. It was a good idea but not very well executed, however, it's still funny to see how poor acting used to be.

8. The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley

The cute youngsters of television made a bunch of musical movies where they solved mysteries with their adorable puppy Clue. Some of the mysteries include finding a stolen laptop on a cruise ship, figuring out where this awful stench is coming from that makes a whole ranch stink, and even receiving help from the US Navy to decipher why there are UFOs flying all over. These were also made into books which I used to take out at the library and read day in and day out.

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