8 Life Lessons Cristina Yang Taught Every College Girl | The Odyssey Online
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8 Life Lessons Cristina Yang Taught Every College Girl

Admit it, we can all learn from her

8 Life Lessons Cristina Yang Taught Every College Girl

Call me basic, but I have a deep passionate love for "Grey's Anatomy," and I couldn't love any character more than I love Cristina Yang. She may be gone but she is never forgotten. Below are eight life lessons every girl learned from Cristina Yang.

1. It is better to be brilliant than beautiful.

Remember, looks aren't everything. The party girl who's constantly surrounded by guys but isn't excelling in school--who knows where she'll end up? But the quiet girl in the corner who's graduating with honors--we all know she's going to be a successful woman in the future. Look at Cristina, she got left at the altar and left a boyfriend behind; she's still looking for love but now owns a hospital. Who got the better deal?

2. Be a force to be reckoned with.

Always, always, always try your hardest and never let anyone get in your way. Even when things get hard, never give up.

3. Be the best you can be.

Never settle for being average. Always shoot for the stars because the sky isn't the limit--we've gotten people to the moon.

4. Never lessen yourself for the sake of a boy.

Never dull your sparkle for someone who can't handle your shine. If you meet a boy who is intimidated by your greatness or who makes you feel like you have to be a lesser version of yourself so he can be comfortable, trust me when I say he isn't worth it.

5. Don't accept anything less than you deserve.

Don't allows other to talk down to you, don't allow a boy to make you feel crappy (no matter how hot he is).

6. No matter how bad you feel, get out of bed.

Some days, you just won't be feeling it, but it's always important to stay busy and keep yourself going. Always get out of bed, even if it's the only thing you accomplish that day.

7. Heartbreak doesn't last forever.

Breaking up sucks. We've all been there: the crippling feeling you have when the guy you "love" leaves you and you're wondering what's happened to change his mind or why you weren't good enough. But never fear; Cristina is always there to remind us that it won't last forever.

And last but certainly not least...

8. Free food is always a good reason to attend an event.

Although more lighthearted, let's be real, there are just some occasions we dread to attend (family reunions with creepy cousins, birthday party for that 3-year-old that's always throwing temper tantrums) but when you're debating on whether to go or to not go, there's only one question you should ask: will be there be free food?

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