Though they are neighboring states, it’s clear that Minnesota and Wisconsin really are two separate places rather than a singular expanse of “Midwest.” As a Twin Cities native attending college in Kenosha, several things quickly became apparent to me.
1. Your imitations of the accent you don’t even think you actually have will be a source of endless amusement for friends.
Yaah, you betcha. Dontcha know. Oofta! Even if you’ve never said any of those things before in your life.
2. You are now a Packers fan. That’s just how it is. (And if your friends haven’t successfully converted you, best keep quiet about it.)
3. Accent aside, there is a bit of a language barrier. It’s not hotdish here. It’s casserole. I repeat, do not use the word “hotdish.” Ever.
4. While we’re on that topic, everyone seems to think it’s soda, not pop.
Likewise, Minnesotans are the only ones who called it “Duck, Duck, Grey Duck” instead of “Duck, Duck, Goose.” Also, if anyone ever refers to a “bubbler,” they are really talking about a drinking fountain.
(While I approve of the pun, no self-respecting Minnesotan would refer to a soft drink as “soda.”)