8 Things 'Gilmore Girls' Taught Me In 8 Seasons
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8 Things 'Gilmore Girls' Taught Me In 8 Seasons

"I'm afraid that once your heart is involved, it all comes out in moron."

8 Things 'Gilmore Girls' Taught Me In 8 Seasons

Gilmore Girls is my favorite TV show I've seen.

It first aired in 2000 and was put on Netflix for my enjoyment a few years ago. I remember seeing commercials for the show when I watched the American Girl movies on The WB (what a channel). I never knew what it was about but it always seemed interesting to me, so when I was looking for new shows to binge on Netflix, I decided to give it a shot. And I haven't looked back since. While season 5 took a bit of a detour from the other fantastic moments that the Gilmore family had, all 8 seasons (7 original plus 1 revival) made up this beautiful series about the trials and tribulations, as well as the good times, of a family in a small town in Connecticut. And I learned a lot from it.

1. Your mother can function as both a mom and a best friend.

My mom and I are close, and I'm thankful for that. While we are not as buddy-buddy as Lorelai and Rory, we do send each other Bitmojis and photos of cats all the time, and spending time with her is always really nice. I'm glad I have a mom who really loves me and wants to make me happy. I've learned this year that an adult to talk to about life is really helpful because they have oftentimes been through the same things that you are facing and are super understanding about it.

2. Not everyone is going to like you in life.

Paris and Rory butted heads at the beginning of the series which created a lot of tension (and therefore a great plot line). I personally like Paris because she has a goal in mind and while she comes off just a bit abrasive (okay, a lot abrasive), she has a heart and friends who like her--eventually including Rory once they get to their senior year. These two got lucky but you might be able to relate to the way Paris treated Rory when Rory had just started out at Chilton. You'll learn that it's okay for someone to not like you and that it doesn't mean you should change so that they do. Be yourself because you're going to make friends with people who like that you are you.

3. Starting out at a new place will be difficult, but it gets easier if you give it time.

I never had to move out of my town when I was in grade school (I literally moved around the block of my old house) so I never had to worry about starting over at a new school. But I also wasn't accepted into a prestigious private school like Rory was when she entered Chilton. It took her a very long time to get used to the workload and the people. Starting college made me feel inherently the same way. I knew a lot of people I would be attending Binghamton with, but I didn't know people in my classes, and it was hard to adjust to only having a few hours of class a day with more work per class than I was used to. I can say now that I think I've gotten the hang of it, but there is definitely more room for improvement along the way.

4. Not all of your relationships will work out...

I am personally not a Logan fan. He treated Rory like garbage compared to Dean and Jess and always just thought of himself. Rory never deserved him and I was so glad when they finally broke up in season 5 (and 6 and 7). I was pissed when they had a fling in the revival but eventually they broke that off too. He certainly was a "jerk, ass, arrogant, inconsiderate, mindless, frat-boy, low-life, butt-faced miscreant."

5. But you will know when you've found the person for you.

The person who makes you the happiest is out there. They might be the last person you expected to fall for, but they will come to know everything about you , from what kind of ice cream you like to what time you feed your pets every day. They will love you for you and be supportive of your values, even if they are not the same as the ones that person holds. And yes, I am a Rory-Jess shipper. He treated her kindly once he got to know her and became a better person because of her. I feel that that is something you learn when you are in a serious relationship; how to balance out yourself without changing all of who you are. And just as Lorelai told Rory, "I'm afraid that once your heart is involved, it all comes out in moron."

6. Living in a small town has its perks and its shortcomings.

I haven't personally lived in a particularly small town like Stars Hollow, but from the looks of it, there are pros and cons to life there. Everyone knows each other, so you find out the gossip of your neighbors the second after it happens, as was the case with Cinnamon's death and Luke and Lorelai's engagement. But it also means that there is a strong sense of community within the town and that everyone is looking out for one another's best interest. Rory grew up in this small town and it is nice to watch her come of age along with the rest of the Stars Hollow residents. Plus, who couldn't love Miss Patty, Babette, and Kirk?

7. Even when you really feel like you want to give up on something you love, you should go after it.

I haven't gone out for a really big job or anything, but there were times where I questioned if I really felt it was worth my time to be doing something that I don't feel I succeed in. I wanted to keep singing in college but I didn't get into any a cappella groups or shows. I decided to take a musical theater singing class this semester and I have really improved my confidence and my instrument in doing so. I am more open to criticism and suggestions on how to work towards getting a better voice now that I have had this experience, and it is still going. I am glad that I didn't give up when the odds seemed to be stacked completely against me because it has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life thus far.

8. There is no grandmother more savage than Emily Gilmore.

Emily is one of my favorite characters from the show. Her dry, crass humor reminds me of my dad's mother. I think they would have gotten along if they had grown up together. Whenever I watch Gilmore Girls and there is a scene with Emily in it, I think of my grandma's brutal honesty and remember her well for it. I like to believe she'd agree with Emily on most standards. Emily did still have a heart, though, and wanted the very best for her daughter--just the way Lorelai wanted for Rory.

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