8 Satisfying Late Night Foods | The Odyssey Online
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8 Satisfying Late Night Foods

For the Foodies who don't have to settle.

8 Satisfying Late Night Foods

We’ve all been there. The grumbling orchestra, as moving as the skies under threat of a storm. That storm is brewing in the empty pit we call our “stomach” and the timing couldn’t be worse. The sun may have set already or the clocks have long chimed their midnight tolls and your work seems to have just begun. Of course, no concentration is possible with the constant thoughts of food and hunger halting all brain functions. What do we do? Usually, a trip to the local Cookout is the first option for an easy solution, however, taking the time and energy to drive down the road seems like a hassle at times. Not to mention the health concerns and funds required to make nightly trips to this late night food paradise.

Not to worry! Here is a quick list of some of the best quick foods to satisfy those late night munchies. Take notes, exams are coming up soon and you’ll need to survive those all-night study marathons.

1. Cheesy Salsa Dip with Chips

For a quick salty snack to hold you over until the end of an assignment, grab a bag of your favorite pretzels or chips. Tortilla chips are magical! No, don’t just munch your way through a family size bag. Pair it with a quick homemade dip. All you will need is some Velveeta cheese and a jar of chunky salsa.
Get a microwave safe bowl and melt the cheese to a creamy consistency. Mix in your salsa of choice and BAM! You have a delicious cheesy salsa dip that never fails.

Feeling bold? Try Mrs. Renfro’s habanero or ghost pepper salsa for an extra kick!

2. Carne Asada Fries

Did you skip dinner? Looking for something more substantial? Let’s continue with the potato trend. Ever had carne asada fries? You should! This takes a little longer to make, but it’s worth every minute. I suggest planning for this meal in advance. If you know you will have to miss dinner one night during the week, prep the meat and let it marinate for a day. The rest is quick and easy to prepare. Check out this simple recipe!

3. Deep Dish Pizza Bites

Pizza is the way to go when it comes to quick, delicious, and filling snacks. Before you grab the phone and start dialing Papa John’s or pouring a frozen bag of Totino’s Pizza Rolls onto a baking tray, check out this recipe for Deep Dish Hawaiian Pizza. Not a fan of the sweet and tart tropical fruit? Replace the pineapples and fill the mini pizzas with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

4. [Kimchi] Fried Rice

Rice is life! Here is a 15-minute recipe for delicious Kimchi Fried Rice that is sure to fill your belly and prepare you for a long night of studying or work. Not a fan of spam? Try frying up your favorite meat. Ham is one of my favorite quick substitutes in this recipe. Give it a try!

5. Homemade Mac and Cheese

Easy Mac takes three minutes to microwave, but the immediate taste is bland. The aftertaste is bitter. Why settle for mediocre when you can have the ease of pasta without sacrificing the quality? Making your own 10-minute stove-top pasta is the better alternative.

Boiling noodles is like making cereal -- easy cooking for beginners -- and it takes no effort. For the meat lovers, hamburger helper is never a letdown. Season up a personal portion size of ground beef or turkey and mix it in with the golden, cheesy pasta. Yum!

6. Mini Froyo Bites

Looking for something to satisfy your sweet tooth? Let’s start with a healthier sweet treat. As Donkey from Shrek says, “Everybody loves parfaits!” This may or may not be true, but we are throwing in a twist. For fruit lovers, here are easy-to-make mini-froyo bites that happily take the place of a normal parfait. Make them for yourself or share them with friends to enjoy at any time, especially when nights suddenly become morning.

7. Chocolate Croissants

It’s hard to resist the rich comfort that chocolate can bring us. Here is a recipe for a chocolatey snack that is not too overwhelming. I’m sure we all know how easy it is to get carried away with chocolate. Why not get out choco-fix in a new way. Chocolate filled croissant rolls sound prime!

8. Frozen Hot Chocolate

Sometimes we are just in the mood for a filling drink. Cookout milkshakes are incredibly tempting, but we must resist the temptation! Why not savor a homemade Frozen Hot Chocolate and call it a night?

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