Finals week has its ups and downs. Sure, a week of only exams sucks, but also, there are no classes, you have plenty of time to study, and it is the signal of the end of your semester. Even if it was an easy semester, if that actually is a thing, the end of a semester is a happy thing. One of the best parts of finals week is the care packages we sometimes we receive from friends and family. Here is a list of some of the things people should include in their care packages to their studious loved ones.
1. Chocolate
Is it the best thing for us? No. Does it help with stress? Absolutely! Chocolate makes the world go round, and our world is crashing around us. Give us chocolate!
2. Coffee
Whether it is early morning study sessions or attempting to pull an all-nighter, all college students need their coffee. Starbucks gift cards or a good set of K-cups work great to fulfill our caffeine need.
3. Any gift card redeemable in pizza
Pizza is perfect for college students, regardless of what week it is. A pizza gift card can go a long way when it is after midnight and you need some good study food.
4. Something salty
Yes, I know most of these are food, but hey, it helps a lot. After we are done with our chocolate, and pizza, we are going to want something salty to crunch as we commence our 8th study session of the day.
5. Comfy socks or slippers
Since we don't have classes, we spend a lot of days in our pajamas, and in our beds. We could use some new cozy attire to make our study days a lot more comfortable.
6. New pens and pencils
This gift serves two purposes. One, new pens and pencils make us happy. Especially if they are fun colors or are cool in style. But also, at this point in the semester, we are probably out of all of our pens and pencils from earlier in the semester, so this is an easy way to restock our stash.
7. New earphones
Any sane college students use their earphones daily, multiple times. So we go through them kind of quick, and a new pair would be a great surprise we would absolutely use.
8. A motivational note
This one may be the most important. We are stressed. We are working hard. The best thing we can receive is heart-warming, motivating letter from our loved ones. That, above all, could be what gets us through this finals week.