In honor of the 58th presidential inauguration taking place this Friday, let us Trump supporters be grateful that this day is finally here. But let us not forget what it took to get America to this point. Although I can't understand how, it was a close election. And if your anything like me, I still wonder how anyone wanted to vote Clinton into office. So to give you some insight, here are eight responses from some Hillary Clinton supporters as to why they chose to vote for her. Brace yourselves!
1. "I voted for her because she was more than qualified with much experience and she is for the poor people, children, and women." - Wilma
2. "Why did I vote for Hillary Clinton? Obviously since her policies are sane, she is an intelligent and caring individual, she cares about the environment, she cares about the American people, she understands what it means to govern for everyone. I am a highly educated person, so it should be no surprise that I voted for the Democrats and Clinton. Trump is mentally unstable, horrible ignorant, completely self serving, narcissistic, racist, fascist pig. His presidency is an embarrassment for America and will be a disaster. Obviously, since you were dumb enough to vote for him, I have no reason to converse with such an ignorant person. You will soon realize that Trump only cares about himself and will promote people to his horrific administration that will likely hurt yourself and countless Americans. I am quite well off myself so will likely not suffer directly from his economic policies, but I care about my fellow citizens." - Inge
3. "I have admired Hillary since she was First Lady. I supported her in 2008 and would have voted for her then. I agree with President Obama that there has never been an American more qualified. I don't agree with her on all issues of foreign policy, I am pro-life, but not against abortion rights until the life of a fetus is protected. I trust Hillary. I don't believe the lies about her and I'm disappointed when she isn't forthright. In the end I believe she has my back, your back, all Americans backs." - Mar
4. "Pretty easy answer...she was extremely qualified for the job, would be a good leader, had the best interests of the US first, and wasn't a racist, fascist, lying, misogynistic narcissist with no experience whatsoever." - Debi
5. "Thank you for your message. My answer to your question is she is highly experienced and qualified. For over 250 years the US has only had male presidents, therefore having a chance to elect a qualified woman for the highest office is/was a first and unique opportunity. Young girls today would have appreciated a role model at the highest office in the US. It would have been the greatest boost of confidence for many women and young girls." - Derek
6. "Known quantity. 90s had a very good economy with Clinton's in white house. Chance to make history with 1st female president. Repainted Hillary Clinton as a couldn't be trusted but in my research I found that quite opposite was to compare to Donald Trump. Finally I knew that the progress that Obama had made for this the social Mass would remain intact and Social Security and Medicare would not be touched. As you may know Paul Ryan wants to privatize Medicare. That means for people with very limited income, like my dad, Medicare will cost more money for less benefits. Besides is a room full of billionaires and millionaires going to consider what the average working person needs? #ImstillwithHer. I don't see how any woman could stand up for Donald Trump when you heard it in his own words the way he assaults and demeans women. And the hundreds of lies he said and then turns around and said he didn't say them even though they were recorded on video or on tape. Now that you got him I guess you could say he's not going to Build That Wall for sure, he's not going to deport 11 million illegal immigrants. He's not going to prosecute Hillary Clinton and he's not going to drain the swamp. Instead he's going to build a big beautiful swamp where he can live, already used for state functions to promote his business, has made money off the Secret Service to the tune of six million dollars. And it's going to cost taxpayers 364 million dollars a year just so Ben can go to his private school. Tell me what I'm missing here. Furthermore, he does not plan on being president full time. Pence is going to run it day-to-day. And why should his kids have security clearance? Do they have a need to know?" - James
7. "Mostly because she has supported women all her life in many ways like introducing anti-human trafficking legislation." -Rhonda
8. "Because Bernie wasn't on the ballot." -Wanda
So with that, bring on President Trump and let's MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
"Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken." - Trump