8 Halloween Movies You Need To Watch Now | The Odyssey Online
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8 Halloween Movies You Need To Watch Now

For those that are scary movie intolerant.

8 Halloween Movies You Need To Watch Now

We all know that Halloween is the best holiday ever. It's the one day you can dress up as anything-literally anything and it's justifiable. Wanna be a doughnut? Sure. Wanna be an alien? DO IT.

Not to forget it's the one night where "Did you see Hello Kitty making out with Shrek?" or "Betty Boop is puking off our balcony" can make complete rational sense. Honestly, the possibilities are endless.

To get you in the spooky mood, here are eight Halloween classics you have to watch.

1. "Hocus Pocus"

THE. BEST. MOVIE. EVER. Don't agree? You are entitled to your wrong opinion. "Hocus Pocus" is pure Halloween cinematic perfection. Until your dvd comes in the mail from Amazon, feel free to google the magic that is "I've Got A Spell On You" and relive your childhood. You are welcome.

2. "Halloweentown"

"Halloweentown" is what childhood Halloween memories are made of. Personally, Marnie represented my particular brand of tween angst and desperate desire for magical powers. Can everyone who had those sweet bangs growing up raise their hand? We're in this together. Being normal is vastly overrated. Preach it Debbie Reynolds.

3. "Don't Look Under the Bed"

True Life: I might have slightly peed my pants the first time I watched this DCOM. So good. So scary. Is it weird that I am 20 years old and still look under my bed before falling asleep? I blame my guilty conscience over forgetting my imaginary friends who are probably boogie men now. My bad, y'all.

4. "Beetlejuice"

*stares in mirror confidently* Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. Beetle---still can't do it. Do yourself a favor and relive the BeeJu glory. Do it for the comedy. Do it for the dance moves. Do it for the eye makeup. Just do it for you. You go Glen Coco.

5. "The Nightmare Before Christmas"

Skinny skeletons running around doing creepy weird yet endearing things. What else do you want? This is the Halloweeny movie for Christmas crazies.

6. "Casper Movies" (Especially "Casper Meets Wendy")

Casper the Friendly Ghost is a Halloween icon. If you need some more Hilary Duff in your life then go for the warmhearted "Casper Meets Wendy" which will leave you spending all your money on red accessories and trying to make BFFs with ghosts. Whole new meaning to ghostin'.

7. Anything Related to "Scooby Doo"

I mean DUH. Preppy Fred, Damsel Daphne, Badass Velma, and the bromance of the century Shaggy and Scooby Doo all crammed into the Mystery Machine. Jinkies y'all! 'Nuff said.

8. "It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"

And if you cannot handle any scary whatsoever and need a feel good Halloween movie, then look no further than the go-to holiday movie franchise run by our homeboy Charlie Brown. Happy Halloween, ya'll!

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