Finals week is quickly approaching, and stress levels are at an all-time high. With four papers to write, five final exams to study for and a presentation to prepare, it's safe to say that this is the busiest time of the semester. So instead of stressing, procrastinate for a minute and check out these eight gifs as a reminder that if these people can make it through their day, you can too.
1. Meredith and Christina.
If Meredith and Christina can make it through medical school, you can make it through this week. Just remember to take a break and dance it out with your best friend!
2. Things are worse than finals; you could be going to jail.
Just know that even if you do wind up in prison, I won't pull a Kim and take selfies on the way to pay your bail.
3. Chuck and Blair.
Blair waited a lifetime for Chuck to say those three little words. If she can survive that wait, I know you can make it through this week.
4. Be a Gilmore girl.
Lorelai Gilmore always seemed to have the answers. Her attitude regarding coffee is no exception, and it's great advice for any college student.
5. Know that Phil Dunphy has your back.
Phil is the definition of dad goals, and if this gif doesn't encourage you, I don't know what will.
6. This is just to appreciate Ian Somerhalder. Guaranteed to brighten your day.
7. Reminder: take a study break and get some food.
8. And so you know...
Once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat. You can make it through this. I believe in you!