All over social media people have been lamenting over how terrible 2016 was. Whether it be because their favorite celebrity passed away, or something in their personal life happened, many people have said that 2016 was their worst year ever. Here are some gifs that pretty flawlessly encapsulate how many people felt during this year.
Like this guy, many of us expected to have a great time at the start, but then once it really got going we felt like we were just being thrown around with nothing in our control. I doubt the year is as fun to look back on as this video, though.
Maybe you felt like a bird being released into the world, you were finally going to fly freely then BAM! 2016 hit you and you fell hard. Let's hope you can fly again in 2017.
Perhaps you were working really hard towards a goal all year, you thought you were doing the most you could, and right when you were about to finally achieve that goal someone else came in and messed it up for you. Kind of reminds you of a couple of politicians' experiences in 2016... Well, all you can do is keep working!
Maybe you thought 2016 was going to be the year of partying. Like this little puppy, you had your little solo cup ready and you were going to have a great time, but then you found yourself in a completely unexpected situation. Poor thing.
2016 was going to be the year to take risks! You were just going to go head-on into every situation and worry about the consequences later! But then the swing went from under you and you fell straight into a huge mud puddle. Maybe it wasn't that great of an idea in the first place!
You were supposed to shoot your shot in 2016 right? Well you did, and you thought it looked great. Only after you got happy and celebrated did you realize that it didn't work out the way you thought it had. At least you had confidence, though.
You had a great 2015, and you were feeling good about yourself, so you started to have a little fun. Then you ended up hurting yourself and 2016 shoved you down just to add insult to injury. Looks rough, I hope you're able to get back up after that one.
Maybe you had a bad 2015 and you thought you were going to come back in 2016 and be better than ever. Then like Ronda Rousey, almost immediately, say, in only 48 seconds, 2016 already destroyed you. Maybe you should shake hands with 2016 before it starts, next time.