Your genetics are a major part in how your metabolism operates, but there are ways to still improve it. Some have naturally faster metabolisms than others, and it also slows down as we get older, but there are still ways we can improve it and slow down the slowing down. The healthier we eat and the more active we are, the faster our metabolism will work and the healthier we will be overall.
1. Water
The most important part of any diet is the most basic element — water. Every living organism needs water to live and we need it to thrive. Water is one of the most vital parts of a health diet and the easiest way to help boost your metabolism.
2. Hot Water and Lemon
We're back again with the importance of water. Hot water with lemon squeezed in it is a great way to start off your morning and get your metabolism working. This helps flush out our digestive system and rehydrates us before we start the day.
3. Egg Whites
Egg whites are a great base for your breakfast. You don't get the added fat from the yolk, but you get all the good amino acids that help boost your metabolism. Add vegetables in to your egg whites and you have an easy and healthy breakfast.
4. Coffee
Any type of caffeine will help boost your metabolism, but coffee specifically will do so without the added sugar of other caffeinated options. A cup of coffee in the morning will get your metabolism moving and will help your digestive system. The less cream and sugar you add, the better.
5. Lentils
Lentils are a great source of iron, which helps your body burn calories and improve your metabolism. Iron is needed for your body to function properly and these will help your waistline.
6. Spinach
Spinach is another food that is high in iron. The reason iron is so beneficial is because it helps carry oxygen in our muscles, which we need to be able to burn more fat.
7. Salmon
Any type of fish is great for our body, but salmon in particular is very high in Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which helps boost metabolism. Salmon is a lean protein, which is needed in a healthy diet and is high in satiety so it keeps you fuller longer.
8. Avocados
They are not just a new fad or a "basic" thing to eat. Avocados help boost metabolism functions, a good source of healthy fat and high in omega-3 fatty acids. These are best to eat in the mornings so your body can break down the fat throughout the day.