Ah, winter break. The time of year when college students can finally take a break from their semester-long responsibilities and basically hibernate while binge-watching Netflix for an entire month. Most college students embrace the thought of winter break and embrace it while it's here, but with everyday of Netflix and relaxation comes greater difficulty to accept the thought of break ending. Here are some common emotions that college students feel during the last week of winter break:
1. When you realize you still have a whole week left of winter break before classes start.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/election2016-dance-dancing-3... GIPHY
2. …But that means you ONLY have a week left to relax before classes start.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/realitytvgifs-mtv-jersey-sho... GIPHY
3. So you try and fit everything into your schedule that you’ve put off during break.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/procrastination-124iDJZYXPk8... GIPHY
4. But you realize that you only have a week to mentally prepare yourself to be a functioning student again.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/bath-BwvXHuoU9rbS8">via GIPHY
5. And you refuse to accept the fact that you have to be a semi-adult once more.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/friends-ross-david-schwimmer... GIPHY
6. ...And have to start waking up early again.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/dog-bed-plop-1iTItUOuJLsbev2... GIPH
7. But then you realize that this means you get to be reunited with your friends again.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/friends-tv-aAkNru67Hh40E">vi... GIPHY