When we're in those moments of feeling so small and belittled, that you feel like nothing at all... here's some personally preferred cures to solve those moments!
1. Get Aggressive
With your pillow! I can't explain the wonders of turning that sadness into aggression and yelling into your pillow. They are definitely more useful than simply resting on. Or hitting a tree, with a small tree... aka a stick. That's one for me that works perfectly, and is less violent than punching walls and random things and hurting yourself. Just aggressively embrace a stick with a tree and call it "rough love." (I made myself laugh with that, I don't know about you.)
2. Go For A Walk or Run
In nature in nature in nature. There is such a rare experience you get from walking in the middle of the woods with no intentions of doing anything, besides following your feet. Nature is Therapy. When you get lost or walk so long, you start to realize how silly everything can be. You realize that no matter how you feel now, that it won't always be that way. You'll realize how large the world is, and how full of life and growth it is. And all of the sudden, any feeling you felt of being small or nothing drifts away because the whole wide world has too much to offer for you to let other people bring you down. (Or yourself bring you down. Love yourself very much, be good to you.)
3. Be Small
Because aren't we all? So snuggle up with your favorite blanket, or six, make yourself some hot coffee, tea, cocoa, whatever you prefer, and listen to music, or read, or watch a documentary. Watch your favorite movie, read a silly article, look at old photos. Be tiny and small and a little human bean, because we all are! I promise it'll make you feel much much better!
4. Create Something Beautiful
And by that I mean--Do something you really love and have a passion for. If you live your life with passion and your true happy, then you will never feel small for long. Anyone full of passion is a much bigger person than they can ever imagine. Make music, read about your favorite subject, write to yourself about who you are and who you want to be, learn about a culture you admire. Spend time with the things you love, and you will become as big as they mean to you.
5. Eat A Ton of Chocolate
Because after that, if there's one thing you won't be feeling...it's small.
Plus it's the soul food, am I right??
6. Learn A New Activity
It's a great distraction, a whole lot of fun, and a time for you to devote and grow on yourself! I've been learning how to juggle because I can't, and well it's fun and time-consuming, and in a few weeks I can say "Hey, I can juggle!". The great thing about this is that there are so many options and once you learn something you didn't before, the feeling is so rewarding. So challenge yourself, push yourself beyond "small".
7. Fur Buddies
The best part about animals is that they love you no matter what. Except for cats. Sometimes cats just love you when they want to, and you really can't help that...I'm sorry. Personally, I like dogs, medium height-ish, especially the ones that let you hug them and lay on them (Thank You Paws). Animals are just incredibly loving creatures and you can leave for weeks and as soon as you get back, they just love you all over. So love them. If you don't have a pet, I'm sure your uncle does, or someone like that.
8. Smile
"Though your heart is breaking". Thank you, Frank Sinatra. Anywho, if all else fails...smile, and move on. Treat it like nothing and it will be nothing. There is so much in the world that we can let bother us, but you get to decide what and who, will do that to you. So, laugh it off, smile, and move on, because life doesn't stop and you should keep flowing with it. And we all float on alright.