8 Facts About Bobcats
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Student Life

8 Facts About Bobcats

They're ferocious, deadly, dangerous, and are..... students?!

8 Facts About Bobcats

There is a species out there so remarkable, so determined, and so damn proud that they just have to be shared. These creatures are independent, yet when they find their soulmates, it’s a beautiful bond for life. They are driven, focused on their goals as they move into the wild, and thrive on the chance to pounce on an opportunity.

What is this crazy amazing breed we’re talking about?


Fact #1: Bobcats are known to eat rodents, birds, and bats, which they usually consume during the winter months.

The Bobcat is susceptible to a dangerous variety of dining hall foods within the first few years of its lifespan. But the Bobcat is a keen hunter, and can always find delicious food even at places like Nelson Dining Hall (have you SEEN those sprinkle pancakes??) Being a skilled tracker, the Bobcat also stalks around on Court Street to find the tastiest prey like Big Mama’s, Courtside Pizza, and even tasty tacos at Casa.

Fact #2: Approximately 725,000 to 1,020,000 bobcats remain in the wild.

The bobcat population spanning over Athens County is 29,217, and the species has been growing rapidly over the years.

Fact #3: Bobcat habitat varies widely form forests and mountainous areas to partial deserts and brush land.

Athens, the Bobcat’s romping grounds, contains a multitude of habitats such as the green landscapes around the Athen’s Golf Course, the abundantly fertile Strouds Run, and the awe shocking mountain Bong Hill. Bobcats have been known to scale all these environments, exploring every inch with their natural curiosity and dedication.

Fact #4: Each bobcat may have several dens over a span of approximately 4 years.

Each Bobcat is assigned a dorm for the first two years, many which range from a small homey style like Tiffin Hall, to the ever popular huge Bromley. As the Bobcats age, they tend to disperse around campus, moving to places like Mill Street, Palmer Place, and Court Street.

Fact #5: Bobcats are mainly nocturnal, and are loudest late at night.

Most days you’ll see students lounging amongst the greens or huddled in the library, but when night falls you’ll never see a rowdier bunch. They say if you listen closely, you can hear bobcats calling for each other on top of Jeff Hill, or singing a chorus of the OU alma mater. Their landscape in Athens is known to be the loudest and most amazing place to prance around at night.

Fact #6: Bobcats are very protective of their space, and have areas of land that they will loyally defend.

Bobcats on campus not only belong to the college, but to their own individual communities and packs within. They are fiercely loyal to these friends and family, and will stand up for anything they firmly believe in.

Fact #7: Bobcats have retractable claws that can span up to 3.0 sharp centimeters.

Bobcats are friendly by nature, loving, and rather adorable looking. But when in jeopardy or challenged, a Bobcat is always ready to fight the true OU way. Bring it on.

Fact #8: Bobcats have a very specific unique coat, which is usually a greyish tufted fur with spots and stripes.

A Bobcat can be spotted from a mile away, just by the markings of their clothes. The classic green and white are proudly worn everywhere by anyone who calls themselves a true Bobcat.

Everyday life seems to move at too fast a pace, and sometimes kids these days are just too hyped up on sugar and video games to stay awake in class. It’s important to recognize species and understand a few facts about them, so when you happen to wander into a habitat such as Athens, you’ll know exactly who you’re dealing with.

Just make sure when you get here, you stop and listen for that strikingly unique shriek of a Bobcat.

“OU......OU YEAH!”

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