Only people with naturally curly hair know how difficult of a task it can be to manage. From having to wake up hours earlier than necessary to put it in its place, to using so much conditioner, you have to buy a new bottle every week. There is nothing easy about these locks, besides coming up with the struggles they cause:
1. Frizz
You probably do not even consider your hair actual hair. It is all frizz, all the time. No matter how many products you buy that advertise their ability to "reduce-frizz", it only seems to get worse. Plus, you are pretty sure there is no such thing as reducing frizz, other than shaving your head.
2. You genuinely consider shaving your head more frequently than you would like to admit.
Every day you look in the mirror, you cannot believe your hair achieves the poof it does, and every day it impresses you. Trying to tame your wild mane into a pony tail or a bun is next to impossible. It probably would just be easier to take a razor to your scalp. But, then it'll grow in short and even-curlier; that might be worse.
3. Straightening your hair is an all-day event.
After standing in front of the mirror with your straightener temperature as high as it will go for 3 hours, you honestly debate going outside with only half your hair straightened. You could definitely pull it off, right?
4. You know the commercials advertising products for curly-haired survivors are lies.
It is so obvious that the models in the commercials have straight hair that has been curled. There is no way that someone rubbed Garnier Fructis all over their locks and ended up with curls that perfect. A stylist was definitely involved.
5. When people tell you they "desperately" want your hair, you laugh at them.
Only a person with extremely strong will can handle curly hair. You only wish your could rip your hair off your head and give it to them, but you know you are not that mean.
6. You have more half-used hair products than you know what to do with.
Every time you see a new product geared for curly-haired people in stores, you have to try it. Your hopeful spirit is quickly crushed when, like the 900 other gels and creams you have in your bathroom, it does not work. You have even tried your hand at concocting your own hair cream by mixing a few of the many you have bought. The results were inconclusive.
7. The rain is your mortal enemy.
After struggling for four hours to get your hair to a place that is sort of acceptable for outdoors, it rains. Rain and humidity is the worst possible weather for curly hair. You try to run and hide, but, it is too late. With just 20 seconds of exposure, your hair is back to frizz, frizz, and more frizz.
8. You are never without hair ties.
Even if you think you are going to have a nice hair day, you know within two hours of leaving your house your hair will be a mess. You wonder why you even try to leave your house without tying your hair up in the first place; luckily, you always sport at least five hair ties and carry bobby pins and clips in your bag.
Be strong, curly-ques. One day it may be hip to have a head full of frizz. One day.