As summer winds down, it means that it’s time to go back to school and even though you had a bunch of plans to get out and have fun, we all know you stayed inside in the air conditioning binge watching Orange is the New Black. Whether you went to an in-state school or traveled far from home, you’ll be reunited with friends… and homework. Read on to recall the emotions of returning to school after a long, hot summer.
1. Excitement
As crazy and annoying your family can be, you’re ready to get back to your best friends, all the tailgating done at various sports events and the frat party. Did anyone say flip-cup?
2. Shock/surprise
3. Broke
“Where has all your money gone?” You don’t know why you only have three dollars in your wallet… and who knows how much is left in your bank account. Hopefully you can find a friend that will let you use their Netflix account…
4. Comfortable
After the first few weeks have past, you feel dare we say… calm. You’ve settled into your routine: wake up, got to class (or don’t), eat, take naps and maybe do homework…
5. Hungry
Don’t try to tell me that hunger isn’t an emotion. It may be a constant state for college students… but are you hungry because you’re bored or because you’re actually hungry? One of the world’s unanswered questions remains.
6. Stressed
7. Fear
What’s done is done, you’ve completed your mid terms… all you can do is sit and try not to think about what will happen if you fail that course required for graduation. Everything is going to be juuuuust fine... *twitch*
8. Relief
When you get your grades back after the excruciating wait and you actually passed. Treat yo' self!