Hi, I'm Tori and I am a lover of Halloween. I'm not sure where my adoration for the holiday came from, but nevertheless it's there. It's actually quite ironic that I love Halloween so much, because I am the biggest scaredy cat on the face of the planet. It is was it is though. I love putting up decorations, finding the right (and ridiculously overpriced, I mean, come on) candy to give out to the kids, carving all the pumpkins (except for my cat...), hosting festive get togethers, etc. However, the worst part of the Halloween season is trying to decide on a costume. Putting it together is a knee slapping good time, but trying to decide is torturous. This is coming from an extremely indecisive perspective, so the process might not be as intense as it seems. Here are the emotional stages that every Halloween lover endures in the season's most paramount decision.
Stage 1: Excitement.
This stage starts in September, as soon as Target's Dollar Section emits the faintest whiff of spookiness.
Stage 2: Slight amnesia
There isn't really an exact emotion related to forgetfulness, but it is much certainly a stage in the process. You forget about the upcoming holiday for a little bit. It's when you walk back into the wonder that is Target and are greeted with that spooky stuff that your excitement is revitalized.
Stage 3: Overwhelmed.
You walk into Party City and see that whole wall of overpriced costumes and suddenly feel like you're drowning in a sea of polyester and nylon. It's almost too much, but
Stage 4: Pride.
After scanning those walls, you realize that, since you're a Halloween enthusiast, you can totally make a unique costume that none of these commoners would never think of.
Stage 5: Loneliness.
If you're single, you know this stage all too well. Everywhere you turn, there is another adorable couples' costume that you just can't have. I mean, you could always try to coordinate a costume with your cat, but that probably won't go over too well.
Stage 5: Doubt and Self Consciousness.
All of a sudden, it hits you. What if no one gets my costume? Is it too obscure? Too unique? Will I have to constantly explain my costume the entire night?
Stage 6: Stress.
This is when you hit full panic mode. This is an inevitable moment that follows all of the doubt and self consciousness.
Stage 7: Hope.
Stage 8: Relief, Elation, and Confidence.
It's FINALLY Halloween. You look in the mirror and see that rocking costume that you so carefully crafted. You head out on the town to put all those bunnies, vampires, cats, witches, and deer to shame.You then realize that this costume may never come off.