Every New Years we make resolutions that usually make it until the end of January before they are broken. There are tons of other resolutions besides "losing weight, eating better, and watching less TV" that are much easier to stick to.
1. Do 1 Kind Thing Each Day
Whether you pay for someone else's coffee every once in a while or just say a few kind words to a passerby, remember it takes no money to say a kind word, you never know what can change someones life!
2. Donate Each Month To A Charity of Your Choice
Whether it's a dollar a day or 50 cents a day it can make all the difference. Save it up throughout the month and give it to someone or a cause that is truly in need.
3. Find A New Hobby And Stick With It
Broaden your horizons and learn something new, take a painting class or a pottery class. It never hurts to try new things and you may make some great friends along the way.
4. Volunteer X Amount of Times This Year
Get out in your community and make a difference. Whether you go out and volunteer weekly or monthly it makes a difference. The best part is that you can do it alone or with friends and family- make it a group resolution!
5. Take A Class You Wouldn't Normally Take
Learn Spanish or French, or about Mayan Culture. You can never be over-educated!
6. Follow Through With Plans
Everyone gets busy and life definitely gets in the way sometimes, but next time you make plans with your friends and family don't blow them off. Actively try and be there.
7. Travel More
Whether its weekend road trips or a Caribbean getaway- do it, try it, go experience all that life has to offer.
8. Do Something Everyday That Scares You
Whether its any of the things listed above or something completely different. Go out and challenge yourself even if it is cliche.