With Halloween coming up, it's possible you want to coordinate with your significant other. Obnoxious? Maybe. But so cute... So, in the spirit of Halloween, here are 8 couples costumes you can try this Halloween.
1. Shaggy and Scooby
This costume is quick, easy and cute. Perfect for low-key couples.
2. Wendy and Peter Pan (if you can some how convince him)
If you can, this costume is charmingly adorable. Who doesn't wanna stay a kid?
3. Boo and Sully
Again - super easy (at least for the girl). Plus, it gives you an excuse to hug him all night.
4. Milo and Kida
Not seen very often and adorable. Check and check.
5. Fireman and Dalmatian
Cut up a white t-shirt and you have your dalmatian costume. And all he really needs to do is put the hat on you can find online for pretty cheap.
6. Napoleon Dynamite and Deb
How have I never seen this one? Perfect for couples with a sense of humor.
7. Elliot, Gerty, and E.T.
Classic movie meet classic costume.
8.Buddy the Elf and Jovi
If you can convince him to wear tights, this costume is perfect for couples excited for the holiday season.