Some people call it "middle child syndrome," and believe me, it's a real diagnosis. Being the middle child has its ups and downs, but there are many things that we, as middle children, experience in our lifetimes with our family. We hear the nonsense from our siblings and take the blame when our parents are upset at something, but the true confessions of being the middle child goes beyond hand-me-downs and leveling out the family drama.
1. Our parents expect us to be the greatest and to learn from our older siblings' mistakes.
It seems like we were the ones to get in trouble for our older siblings wrongdoing, so as such, our parents put the fear of god into us so we don't let them down like our dumb older sibling.
2. We are NEVER the center of attention.
It doesn't matter if you made the Dean's List, your youngest sister just won her rugby game, and that is more exciting and credit worthy. Umm, what?
3. Nothing is ever a big deal even if we want it to be.
Growing up, I can't remember my parents giving me a designated curfew time. So, I came home late, had friends over, and sometimes didn't tell them where I was going just to see if they would even call to check up on me. When my younger sisters were the ones to come home late, you better believe that it was a huge deal. My parents where constantly on them about being punctual with their curfew, but as for me, I sometimes wished that they would do the same, just so I know they are thinking of my safety.
4. We feel like our parents were never really excited for our birth into this world compared to our other siblings.
I am positive that we all have asked our parents about the day of our birth. When the story is told, it seems like it was on a cold, boring winter day. But when the oldest or youngest sibling's story is told, there were fireworks, a parade and the like.
But here is where being the middle child is the greatest ...
5. We get to do whatever we want.
There is always so much going on, that it is easy for us to sneak out of the situation and have our parents be okay with it. It's awesome because our brothers and sisters are finally jealous over the power that we middle children hold.
6. "Trust" is our middle name.
We are the responsible children and are also the ones that get sent to the grocery store with daddy's credit card and get to spend a little something while we have it.
7. When we get in trouble, our consequences are very mild.
Of course the typical lecture occurs, but the worst thing that could possibly happen is the restriction of not being able to go out with friends later that night.
8. We get whatever we want.
Our parents know we are the more calm children, and that if we complain about something, they can just give us whatever item we need or want and the problems are solved and everyone moves on with their day.