Of course, adulthood comes with many struggles but being thrown into the college life can throw us college kids off. I can't speak for everyone but struggles are definitely real in college.
(Especially when you're a lazy one like me)
1. Laundry
If you came from a home where your parents did your laundry for you like I did, then you know the struggle. I know what you're thinking...its just laundry, but it is especially difficult and takes some planning when you live in the dorms. However, laundry is always a pain because it's a constant battle between you and how full you can pack your laundry basket.
2. Negotiating with yourself when pressing snooze
All I can do when my alarm goes off is press snooze and think about what I can rule out doing in order to get more sleep.
3. Figuring out how you are going to survive on $13 for the week
This one explains itself and I think we have ALL been there before.
4. Finding a balance between the social life and homework
FOMO is a real thing in life, especially on a Friday night in college when you have to stay in and study while all of your friends are going out.
5. Deciding between taking a nap or going to the library
This is my biggest struggle... Naps are crucial to me. Sometimes the temptation to nap can override the motivation to go to the library.
6. Wearing 50 pounds of clothes when it's below 0 but sweating once you get to class
Walking in the cold is one of my least favorite things to do, so I can't help but put on endless layers of clothes. However, walking into class sweating is so uncomfortable because I will not only be sweating but panting while trying to peel my clothes off.
7. GIVE ME A "P" for procrastination
Self-explanatory. What college student doesn't procrastinate at least a little bit?
8. Trying to remember the last time you ate vegetables
I mean I don't know about you but vegetables can be forgotten from my mind until I go home for breaks and are fed real food from my parents. Shoutout to them for that!
I have no advice to overcome these struggles, because it is really just up to the individual to avoid procrastination, overly napping, spending money, etc. All I can say is embrace being a college student because these struggles will not even compare to the ones you will have some day.