College is definitely a wild experience. You meet hundreds of new people, find new friends that will last for a lifetime, attend classes that you never could have even imagined (Bromance to Romance -- an actual class I am taking next semester). However as winter break comes closer and closer, college students everywhere anticipate the moment they step their feet into their home. As finals week slowly but surely approaches, thousands of students get excited to pack up their suitcases and leave their dorms for the holidays.
There are, however, some things that constantly sit at the back of college students' heads, reminding them of the comforts of their parents' home.
1. Home-cooked food
Unless you were lucky, and were blessed with a kitchen in your dorm, you are bound to your dining hall food. After the past four months, literally nothing sounds better than your mom's cooking.
2. Having the bathroom all to yourself
No more waiting in line to use the toilet or take a quick shower.
3. Showering without flip-flops
Enough said.
4. Quality toilet paper
You've never been happier about the fact that your parents invest in good thick toilet paper.
5. Being able to keep your things in the bathroom
Bringing your shower caddy with you every time you have to brush your teeth or take a shower is another habit you can completely discard when going back home.
6. Privacy
Sure, it's nice to always have someone next door to talk to. However, the completely privacy at home is simply unbeatable.
7. Your high school friends
Yes, you're in college. Yes, you've moved on from high school. But good friends are good friends and you're always happy to see them again.
8. Your family
They might sometimes be annoying and nosy, but after being separated for so long you just cannot wait to see them again. Sure you always have your phone to quickly to call your mom on any occasion you get, but nothing beats the physical hugs you receive when coming home.