We are all guilty of it. I'll be the first to call myself out especially. Laying in bed and checking your Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat over and over again until hours pass by until finally realizing you wasted hours doing literally nothing except pressing a heart shaped button.
I'm even guilty of checking all of my social media, sitting there for a few minutes and then literally opening them all AGAIN to see what could have possibly changed in the five minutes of me not being on them (and nothing is ever different, I can tell you that) I was just looking at the same stuff that I looked at five minutes prior. Then finally I asked myself, "what am I doing?" I'm reading and looking at other people's lives through a screen instead of living my own life. Why? Why am I doing that, especially at this point of my life, where I have so many opportunities, I'm young, new chapters are just beginning, I have so much to offer.
So, I have decided to not obsess over checking social media all the time. I obviously won't give it up completely because I enjoy still being able to see what my friends up to (and reading the funny memes-people are so witty nowadays). I do think social media is great for that but i think culture and society has developed a sort of dependence on it where we are forgetting about what's going on outside of the Twitter and Instagram bubbles. So, I will knock the habit of aimlessly checking my apps when I'm bored, put down the phone and actually go do something. So, I constructed this list for myself (and anyone else who finds it useful) of things I could do instead of checking my social media for the 700th time in a day. If nothing on my list suits your fancy, make your own, get out there and do it. Because the world doesn't stop spinning, life doesn't pause so you might as well live it in the best possible way.
1. Volunteer: Use your time to do something good for the environment, mankind, children or whatever else you are passionate about. You'll help make a difference and feel great while doing it. Especially nowadays, a lot of organizations need more and more volunteers and help.
2. Read a Book: Lose yourself in a book. Read something other than what anyone can fit into 140 characters.
3. Take a Walk/Run/Hike/Bike Ride: Go outside (if weather permits) and run, walk, bike, hike and connect with the outdoors. It'll clear your mind and make you feel stress free and just overall better. And it won't make your eyes hurt from the lack of blinking from staring at a phone screen.
4. Write/Blog: Write your own stories or thoughts. Write your emotions and feelings down. Use your imagination. Write a short story about how you are feeling. It might even make you feel better.
5. Play Music/Sing/Listen to Music: Obviously I can't stress enough how important music is. Play an instrument. Can't play one? Take lessons or teach yourself. Enjoy singing? Go do karaoke or open mic night somewhere. Surprise yourself, take risks, be open to new experiences and skills, do something different. Do something you never thought you could like go up on stage and sing or play a new instrument in front of people. You never know what could happen.
6.Exercise: Guaranteed to clear your mind and make you feel good. Set goals for yourself-run that extra mile or swim that extra 50 yards. Along with a clearer mind you'll be healthier and happier.
7.Learn Something New: Immerse yourself in some culture, learn something new. Language, pottery, painting, guitar, acting, writing--the world is your oyster and you're young, awesome and smart, take advantage of that!
8. Spend Time With Friends and Family: You can never get enough family or friend time. Also, try staying off of your phone the whole time you are with them. Focus your attention on the people you love. You'll probably have a better time and so will they.
There are a lot of things you could do instead, these are just a few! And of course you can check your social media everyday if you want, maybe only allow yourself to do it at certain times of the day. Before bed, while you make dinner or whenever else. There is more to life than 140 character text boxes (I promise).