8 Cartoon Shows That Inspired Every 90's Kid
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8 Cartoon Shows That Inspired Every 90's Kid

You may not have realized it then, but these shows changed your life.

8 Cartoon Shows That Inspired Every 90's Kid

As I'm sure we all know, there are many television shows these days that don't seem to measure up to the shows of old. When we were younger, there seemed to be a plethora of shows with content that contained substance with an added bonus of entertainment. Nowadays, it's like the other way around. However, when a cartoon show displays both of those qualities in a great manner, it can actually have an impact on kids. These are some of the shows I feel inspired me to be greater.

1. Courage the Cowardly Dog

This show epitomizes what it means to be loyal. No matter how frightened Courage was, he did whatever it took to get rid of any monsters or unfriendly figures. He wanted to protect his family. He loved them. As a kid, I wanted to be Courage - I still do. When life throws something tough at me, I want to go to my metaphorical know-it-all computer and find a solution.

2. Kim Possible

The reason Kim Possible was such a great show is because it portrayed girls in a manner that made them seem invincible. She wasn't a damsel in distress or a girl fighting for love. She simply wanted to change the world in a positive sense. Although she was a love interest for her best friend Ron, she didn't give up her butt-kicking lifestyle for love.

3. Fairly Odd Parents

Unlike any other, this show made me believe in magic. Timmy Turner was a kid with everyday problems. He wanted to be popular, he wanted to be liked but it never worked out quite well for him. Luckily, he had people watching over him. Wanda and Cosmo wanted him to succeed and get everything he wanted out of life. Growing up, I realized that sometimes you need a Wanda or Cosmo in your life, to help you achieve your goals.

4. The Proud Family

I loved this show so much because it was about a completely normal family. They had issues, they had insecurities, but they worked through them. Penny Proud had a set of very diverse friends that somehow seemed to click very well. They came from different backgrounds and didn't always agree, but they made it work. Not to mention I admired Oscar's determination (or stubbornness) to get his business idea out there.

5. Lilo & Stitch

A stranger to her island, Stitch wasn't a particularly easy character for Lilo to understand. She didn't know how to properly communicate with him at first, and neither did he with her. But eventually, Lilo began to realize that Stitch wasn't some big bad alien but actually someone seeking refuge and love. He was foreign to her. She was foreign to him. However, their bond was one that inspired me to see the best in people and not worry about how different they are than me.

6. Brandy & Mr. Whiskers

Unlike any other, this show taught me that we all have more in common than we think. These two completely different creatures and personalities were both thrown into an unfamiliar environment. Initially, there was resentment and a disconnect. Brandy came from a high-class, affluent lifestyle; Whiskers, not so much. Eventually though, they began to depend on each other. It was out of necessity at first, but they definitely began to appreciate each other more as the show went on.

7. Static Shock

As a young African American male, this show was so many things for me. Firstly, I found a hero in which I could identify with. Static Shock was a black teenager fighting for the greater good. His best friend was white. Although it may seem like such an insignificant thing, that actually breaks down so many barriers that older generations may try to maintain. Needless to say, this show wasn't afraid to defy traditional hero stories and be different.

8. Hey Arnold!

Arnold wasn't particularly loved by everyone. There were bullies in his neighborhood and kids that just didn't have the best intentions for him. However, he never failed to maintain his cool. Despite him no longer having his parents, Arnold made it alright in the world. Every time I saw Helga secretly stating her love for Arnold, it made me believe that all of the bad people in life actually like me but just struggle to admit it.

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