1. Crush - David Archuleta | The Odyssey Online
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8 Bops From The 2000s That Are Totally Slept On Now

Once a bop, always a bop.

8 Bops From The 2000s That Are Totally Slept On Now

Picture this - you're riding in the back of your mom's minivan with your BFF. You two have match peanut butter and jelly necklaces from Claire's, your jeans are lightly dusted with sparkles, and you've recently cut a whole in your TOMS shoes to make them look worn down. You have your headphones plugged into your iPod Shuffle and you are blasting these bops - obviously the right headphone is in your ear and the left in the peanut butter to your jelly's ear.

1. Crush - David Archuleta

This song got its comeback when some girl on Twitter recorded herself singing this song in the mirror. Thanks to her we have officially brought back our number one American Idol crush.

2. Bubbly - Colbie Caillat

"Will you count me in?" Yes, Colbie, we will.

3. Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield

You know what wasn't left unwritten? The fact that this song was and always will bring forth the best jam sessions.

4. Fireflies - Owl City 

Let's be honest, this song was odd when we first hear it back in 2009 but after a few weeks streaming through our iPods it quickly became a fan fav and an all around good bop.

5. Viva La Vida - Coldplay

Was this every 8th grade girls' morning alarm? Just mine, okay.

6. TiK ToK - Kesha

That first "wake up in the morning" always hits us all out of nowhere.

7. Beautiful Girls - Sean Kingston 

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Thank you for being one of the first guys to make middle school girls around the world feel like one of a kind.

8. The Tide Is High - Atomic Kitten

Just a quick shoutout to the Lizzie McGuire Movie for really giving this song to us.

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