Playing sports is a special thing in life, but the relationships formed within a team is even more special. Personally, my favorite part about participating in sports throughout elementary, middle, high school and beyond was the fact that I knew I would make new friends and ultimately become a part of a new family.
My teammates throughout the years have taught me a lot, provided me with endless memories that I am positive I will never forget, and have left nothing but smiles in my heart.
Here are some things that my teammates have given me over the years and have proven the fact that being a part of a team is one of the most rewarding things an athlete can be a part of:
1. They push you to be a better athlete.
The "High School Musical" lyric "We're all in this together" comes to mind when I think of this. When you're on that last suicide round, the sound of your teammates cheering you on just makes you work a little harder.
2. They push you to be a better person.
On and off the court, you know there's always that second family you can always count on.
3. They always have your back.
They're definitely a force to be reckoned with.
4. They teach you how to deal with just about anything and everything.
Whether it's the fact that your time was too slow so you have to run the drill over, or the fact that it was your weak defense that costed a major play, at the end of the day you're stuck with each other so you have to learn real quick how to forgive and forget and how to grow from it.
5. They're always down to go out to eat after games and/or practices.
Who doesn't love a group of friends who's always down to feast? For real...
6. They teach you new things all the time.
There's no shame in asking your teammates for a little help on how to perfect that step back J or that sick header for the next soccer game.
7. They're your biggest support system.
On and off the court, teammates are athletes in their sport but also cheerleaders for each other at the same time.
8. They're the best non-biological family you could have asked for.
Like I said earlier, the motto for every team should be "We're all in this together."
If you haven't experienced all or at least most of these things I've listed while you've been on a team, my heart hurts for you. However, do not quit because of one bad experience! I think it's very rare to be on multiple teams and never have a positive experience. Be open minded, be a good friend, be a good sport, and be a good teammate.