"Girl Code" is by far the most accurate and relatable show out there for girls. They give advice on how to navigate this shit show also known as your life. Girls have different etiquette and rules to follow than boys do. For example, boys can get in a fight and solve it within 30 seconds. Girls on the other hand will make a three week plan on how to win the mental warfare that's about to take place. If you don't believe me just go through a girl's photos: about half the pictures are screen shots. Since being a girl can suck sometimes, here are 8 girl code quotes that are not only accurate, but absolutely hilarious:
1. "You will never look like the girl in the magazine. The girl in the magazine doesn't look like the girl in the magazine."
Don’t stress over how you look because looks change, but a shitty personality is forever.
2. "I think I've had a crush on any guy that's ever said anything nice to me."
A guy being nice?? What??
3. "Before the pregnancy scare, you hated your period, but now it's your best friend...Now it's like 'Hey, Period! Missed you! How was your month? You look great.'"
Nothing quite beats the relief you feel when you get your period. You can finally stop worrying about filling out your Teen Mom application.
4. "I think girls will stop lying about being good drivers, when guys stop lying about what 8 inches really is."
No comment needed for this one.
5. "My friends have a name for my dancing its called 'What are you doing, are you okay?'"
Dancing is tough because what you think you look like is 100% not what you look like. Like oh let me try out this new move. Nope, put that move away. That move should not be seen. Ever.
6. "Every girl wants to be told they're pretty, even if it comes from a 6 year old."
It doesn’t matter who tells you you’re pretty...it counts.
7. "If Netflix was crack, I would be at the level where I'm on the street, completely naked, prostituting myself."
Netflix is addicting, we can’t deny it. It’s so much easier to hit ‘watch next episode’ than write a 10 page paper on a book you didn’t read.
8. "If I say, 'lol' I probably didn't laugh."
Girls do this all the time. All of our texts are filled lol and haha and sometimes even HAHAHAHAH solely so that we don't seem bitchy over text. But the odds we actually laugh out loud is slim to none. Sorry guys, you're not that funny.