"Teen Titans Go" was never a beloved show amongst lovers of the previous show. To a good chunk of people, this new show was a cheap, store-brand version of a superhero classic and many were turned away by the too bright colors, extremely childish sense of humor, and the dumbed down versions of beloved characters. Personally, I have to admit that I am not a big fan of the show due to the fact it is based on previous source material that took itself more seriously. When they announced a movie was going to come to the big screen, I wasn't too thrilled and I did not anticipate going to see it at all.
However, the movie came out and I found myself sitting in the theater. My friend wanted to go and I decided to give it a shot. I sat throughout the entire movie and for the most part, It was exactly what I expected. If you are not a fan of the show, you are not going to be a fan of the movie. Overall, it feels like a very long episode of the show with the same level of humor and characterization. However, I will admit that I found some of the jokes in the movie to be very funny. Most of these jokes stemmed from DC making fun of itself and they always got a chuckle or two out of me. Plus there is a hilarious joke centered around a cameo that I won't dare spoil, but trust me it is pretty darn funny. So I would say that in the end, I had a good experience with this movie. Was it the best movie I had ever seen? Of course not. however, the good jokes and the colors/overall style were very enjoyable to watch on the screen.
However, I will admit that I had a bittersweet feeling as I watched this movie. While I was watching the movie, I couldn't really tell why I had that feeling, but recently my friend put it into words. He definitely isn't a big fan of the show, but he mentioned how odd it was to see a 2D animated movie on screen. For a second, I had to take that in; 2D animation has been on the out when it comes to theatrical releases. "Incredibles 2", "Coco", and "Moana" are all wonderful movies, but they are all 3D animated. When my friend mentioned that the "Teen Titans Go!" movie was a 2D animated movie, I couldn't help but miss the animation that was used in the past.
Don't get me wrong, 3D animation is absolutely breathtaking and gorgeous to look at. It takes real time, effort, and dedication to make such a detailed motion picture. However, I guess I have a certain soft spot for 2D animation. It was what I was mainly brought up on as a child. I adored movies like "The Lion King", "Beauty and the Beast", and "Mulan". I was raised on 2D animation and to this day I love and adore it. 2D animation is what I want to go into and I have a lot of love for it. The last Disney 2D animated movies to hit the big screen was "The Princess and the Frog" (which is fantastic by the way) and after watching the "Teen Titans Go!" movie, I couldn't help but be reminded of that Disney classic and all other magical 2D animated movies. I missed 2D animated films.
So I didn't think this "Teen Titans Go!" movie was the best thing in the world. However, maybe it will open the door to new animation opportunities. With its success, perhaps we will get even greater 2D animated movies.