"New year; new me." We have all heard this before from every single person on social media come the first of January. But, what’s the big deal? Are people really going to change their actions or thought process just based on a difference of one day on the calendar? The answer depends on the amount of effort a person is willing to put in. If you give your resolutions 110%, then yes you will achieve them. However, if you put in minimal effort, you will get minimal results. Here are a few resolutions you should wholeheartedly consider and how to achieve them:
1. Make more meaningful connections with the people in your life.
How to do it: Be there. Be physically and mentally there for every conversation with the people around you. It is so easy to get on Twitter and say “uh-huh” or “yup” while you are with friends or family. Instead, put the phone away and focus on the human-being in front of you.
2. Stop being so grumpy.
How to do it: It is really easy to get into a grumpy slump and not want to do anything about it. But, why waste all of that energy being upset when you could just as easily put it all behind you and enjoy your day? Take a step aside and force yourself to smile—a true, genuine smile—for 10 seconds. It is hard and feels forced, but if you put your head in the right mindset you will be in a better mood afterwards.
3. Increase bliss.
How to do it: Be more grateful, more generous, and more accepting. Stop worrying about the things you can’t control. Those things will happen whether you worry or not, so why waste your energy? Lend a helping hand. Smile to a stranger. Wave to your neighbor as you drive by. It’s the little things all piled up together that will make you more joyous.
4. Fall in love… with your body.
How to do it: Make an unshakable effort to end your negative self-talk. Focus on the characteristics you love about your body. Write yourself a little note to stick on the mirror that says “I love your (insert your favorite trait about yourself)!” And again, don’t stress about the things that you don’t have the power to change.
5. Save some cash.
How to do it: Pick a goal, whether that is a vacation, a shopping spree, or a high-ticketed item. Then, get it in your head that you ARE going to reach that goal. Set up a routine of putting a certain amount away every week or every month. One thing that has helped me in the past is the five dollar rule—every time you come across a five dollar bill, put it somewhere safe and out of sight. This way, you won’t be tempted to spend your savings before reaching your goal.
6. Say yes.
How to do it: It is incredibly easy to come up with an excuse to why you can’t go out and do something social. Instead of saying "no" and retreating to Netflix, change your perspective and go. There are only so many minutes that you have on Earth, so why give up an experience with friends or family? Tomorrow could be their last day. Tomorrow could be your last day. Make the most of every minute by sharing cherished moments with those you love.
7. Pray more.
How to do it: Pray for friends and family. Pray for your neighbors. Pray for the homeless and those who are struggling with drugs or alcohol. Pray for health. Pray for wisdom. Pray for joy. Pray for emotional peace and mental health stability. Pray for God to use you as a light to others. There are so many things you could pray for. So, take two minutes out of your 1440-minute day and pray.
While it is not always easy to stick to these resolutions, if you give them your all you will see a difference come December 2017. It takes complete mental and physical effort. My advice: save the resolution pictures that you want to pursue (or create your own) and hang them somewhere that you will see everyday. Reference them daily to keep yourself on track. As cheesy as it sounds, you can do it.