There is still happiness amongst the stressful holidays, college applications, finals, shopping, general stress of living, and anything else life can throw at you. I was Inspired by a recent trend on Instagram to chronicle some things that make me happy, hopefully inspiring you to think about what makes you smile, even when life gets hard.
2. Scented candles
3. Johnny Cash
4. Christmas time
5. Long drives with no real destination
6. Climbing to a tall place and letting your feet dangle off
7. Beaches at midnight
8. Sunrises
9. Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies
10. Putting cooling gel on sore muscles
11. Doing yoga and feeling connected to your body
12. Rainy days when you don't have plans and can lay in bed and do nothing
13. Board games
14. Fireplaces with wood that actually crackles
15. Funny kids movies with jokes for adults
16. French culture
17. Feeling sunshine soak into your skin and gradually warm you up
18. The feeling of someone playing with your hair
19. Freshly painted nails
20. Bubble baths with candles
21. That smell that puppies have for the first few months
22. Puppies in general
23. Writing
24. When you text the group chat and everyone responds
25. New CDs
26. Pasta and gnocchi
27. Warm homemade soup on chilly days
28. Seeing flowers grow naturally
29. Bumblebees
30. The transformers movies
31. Finding a new tv show and bingeing it for hours
32. Getting off the plane and looking at the welcome signs in the airport
33. Sitting in a parked car talking about life
34. Tall, soft grass and cotton shorts
35. Dark nails and makeup
36. Freshly dyed hair
37. Laying the seats down in a car and stargazing through the sunroof
38. Sleepovers where no one sleeps
39. But also sleepovers where you don't feel silly for sleeping at 11
40. Hearing people talk and how their voice picks up when they talk about what they love
41. Red Hot Chili Peppers
42. My whole, big, entire family
43. Every single one of my friends
44. Looking at old pictures with people you've reconciled with
45. Cleaning out pictures with people you haven't
46. Songs with slow guitar intros
47. Cleaning out my closet
48. Going to Disney and smelling all the food on Main Street
49. Slightly melted ice cream
50. Listening to people play piano (bonus points if you're sitting with them)
51. Learning new things
52. When teachers use your work as an example
53. Pizza with just the right amount of cheese
54. Swimming pools when no one else is there
55. Beachside hotels
56. Popsicles
57. Cashing in a paycheck
58. Buying presents for people
59. Smoothies
60. Coming home and seeing a bowl of fresh fruit
61. When you actually understand math!!
62. Finding a song that perfectly reflects your mood
63. New lip balm
64. Freckles
65. The color green
66. Horoscopes when they match up perfectly
67. 80’s movies
68. Big flannels
69. Football games when it's not super cold
70. Reconnecting with old friends
71. Hockey
72. Disney in general
73. California
74. Old Johnny Depp movies
75. John Green novels
76. Warm tea