A lot of athletes play softball, but only a select few devote their passion to the game by playing travel. Travel is a new world that pushes you to your very limits. Some fold and others concur but all players can relate to the 75 truths below!
1.The hotels are actually more exciting than playing.
2. Your jersey colors matter.
3. "On Sunday, we wear black."
4. You've spent more nights in hotels that any of your friends.
5. Using the classic, "I can't I'm at softball," for every invite until you stop being invited all together.
6. Playing at 10 a.m. is a blessing from God.
7. "Win Saturday to sleep in on Sunday."
8. You have to look good, to feel good, to play good.
9. Fourth of July has a whole different meaning to softball deprived individuals.
10. Spending hundreds of dollars a summer on tournament shirts only for them to join the hundreds of others in the drawer.
11. Washing your pants in the hotel sink.
12. Everyone assuming you're a lesbian.
13. There is no creature in the world crazier than a softball parent.
14. You can rule the world with a new bat.
15. Living off of fast food and concession stands.
16. The face you make when boys complain about a double header when you can play four games in a day: easy.
17. Naps in the shade between games.
18. Leave your cheers in 14U.
19. High school ball is like a three month warm up.
20. Unevenly gaining muscle in your dominate arm.
21. Tan lines...classic.
22. Secretly always wanting to be fast enough to slap.
23. There is no pitch count in softball...you pitch until your arm falls off.
24. If your pants aren't dirty, you probably didn't do much.
25. Having enough water bottles in your bag to cure third world country's clean water problems.
26. Trying to wear a cute dress and realizing your legs look like they have been through World War III.
27. So. Many. Sunflower. Seeds.
28. Having the hotel open breakfast early because you have to be at field before it opens.
29. Until you've played in 105 degree weather in pants: don't tell me how hot it is.
30. The sound of metal cleats on a hard surface (heart eye emoji).
31. Team dinners.
32. Bloody knees.
33. The smell of sunscreen and hot dogs in the air.
34. Sliding so much you rip a hole in the butt.
35. "Good game, good game, screw you, good game."
36. Pin trading at nationals.
37. Choosing nationals at Myrtle Beach...well, because of the beach.
38. Watching 100 teams be eliminated on a Sunday and your team is still playing.
39. Wearing your cleats into a store and whiping out on the floor.
40. Playing teams that speak different languages.
41. Asking everyone you come across, "So where are you from?"
42. Then answer said question by referencing the nearest big city.
43. When every game is a 1-0 nail biter.
44. Tailgating and cook outs.
45. Playing Friday through Sunday and practicing Tuesday and Thursday .
46. Making the drinking motion with you hand to your parents to signal that your in need of some more H2O.
47. Getting out and not making eye contact with your parents.
48. Silent car rides home after a poor performance.
49. Just because a team matches down to their cleats doesn't mean they can play softball.
50. Hotel beds are actually horrible.
51. We apologize to the hotel staff for the number we do to the free breakfast before a game.
52. Wearing big bows in your hair but always meaning business.
53. Everyone wanting that perfect long ponytail.
54. Missing your friends' graduation parties.
55. Arguing to death that softball is not easier than baseball.
56. The adrenaline rush with two strikes on you.
57. The feeling of a cold shower to wash away the dirt, sweat, and sunscreen of three games.
58. The roar of the parents after a bad call.
59. The pride that comes from wining all the pool play games.
60. You find your self correcting other's skills at every level: professional to little league it doesn't matter.
61. Play while shaking is difficult when you have 10 colleges watching your every move.
62. But the relief that comes from decided on a college and no longer having to showcase yourself.
63. Making sure to check out the local mall at every new city.
64. Feeling the wind from the bat as the opponent swing at the change up.
65. Being able to play a seven inning game in under an hour.
66. But suffering through the games that seem to drag.
67. Everyone knows you as the "crazy softball girl."
68. But no one wants to mess with you.
69. Picking off a runner at third...well, any base for the matter.
70. Throwing out a girl at second. DON'T MESS WITH OUR CATCHER.
71. White uniforms are a blessing and curse.
72. Hitting on your teammates' brothers because those are the only guys you come across in the summer.
73. Don't underestimate a team that wears hats.
74. No amount of sunscreen can protect you.
75. As much of pain it is sometimes, you will miss lacing up your spikes and walking on to a field still covered in dew.
I no longer play softball, but as I'm sitting watching my brother follow in my foot steps I can't help but miss it. You will never forget who you played with and the journey travel ball took you on. Just as you would at bat, live your life like its a 3-1 count. Swing for the stars