74 Thoughts While Rewatching 'Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging' As an Adult
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74 Thoughts While Rewatching 'Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging' As an Adult

Libby is my spirit animal.

74 Thoughts While Rewatching 'Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging' As an Adult

I began reading these books when I was in the 7th grade, and when the movie came out the same year, I was shaking in anticipation for its release. I remember my friends and I doing the pencil test, determining where we were on the "snogging scale," and doing so many other things that main character Georgia taught us.

It's been six years since I've seen this movie and here are 74 thoughts I had while re-watching "Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging." (Let's see if my perspective's still the same...)

1. Georgia, you are not an "adult," you're 14.

2. No real friends dump the group costume for something "sexy" without telling you first.

3. Jas, you thinking you're fat at a size two is part of the reason girls have eating disorders.

4. "Boys don't rate girls for funniness." You don't know the right boys.

5. I definitely remember having the "everything is the end of the world," mentality at her age.

6. I'm going to thank my parents for loving me even though I was an insane teenage girl.

7. Georgia took one for the bushy-eyebrow-girl team, teaching us that no matter what, DO NOT shave your eyebrows. EVER.

8. I hope my husband and I are still as lovey dovey as Georgia's parents after being married for decades.

9. I know this whole movie by heart. I am embarrassed and proud at the same time.

10. For my 14th birthday party I wanted—Wait, I wanted to have my party in a hotel room on the Las Vegas Strip! I get it now. Carry on Georgia.

11. I, at 20 years old, feel much more like a child than a woman to be quite honest.

12. Bushy eyebrows and a big nose? I get it now. I was Georgia.

13. Everyone is so worried about having a boyfriend.

14. I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was 20. Although in retrospect that would have been a horrible statement to tell my boy-crazy 14-year-old self.

15. Why don't Americans call things "loony?" We're missing out.

16. I feel like "Dave the Laugh" should probably like girls for funniness. Just a thought.

17. Putting your hands on your boobs, or self-pleasure in general is not the same as being a lesbian, but okay Ellen.

18. "Old people over the age of 30." I feel so old.


20. Who can hold their breath for three minutes? Do they mean without a break?

21. Why is upper body fondling outdoors lower on the scale than indoors?

22. And what is a car considered?

23. Social media makes "boy stalking time" way easier now.

24. I didn't get to wear makeup until I was 16, and Georgia thinks her parents are from the Stone Age.

25. Where has this Bonker's Buffet scene come from? I've seen this movie at least 25 times.


27. I take it back, this is why young girls have eating disorders.

28. What kind of friends sit around in a circle rating each other on their physical appearance? SO. MUCH. ANXIETY.

29. "Lower your voice so you sound sexier." Did I even know what being sexy was at 14?

30. Homeboy is way older than her.

31. Was organic food "in" yet?

32. Why is a cat allowed to roam around a food market? I feel like that breaks several health codes.

33. I still don't know what "see you later" really means coming from a boy.

34. I now remember watching my 8th grade crush kiss another girl right in front of me. I feel for you Georgia.

35. "I already feel fed up with boys, and I haven't had anything to do with them yet." Retweet. Retweet endlessly.

36. Don't change yourself for a boy!

37. Boys like it when girls wear thongs? If you're already at the point in which you're in your underwear with a boy, I don't think he's thinking about your underwear.

38. Those "ancient women" actually did burn their bras and give women the right the vote, so Lindsay could wear a thong. They did it so all women could be in control of their bodies and have equal rights.

39. How does she have a "massive bum?" No. 3 on the, "This is why young girls have eating disorders" list.

40. Oh no, Peter Dyer.

41. This is how people get Mono.

42. They pay him for kissing lessons. Is this prostitution? Kind of?


44. I remember practicing kissing on the back of my hand.

45. Saliva boy.

46. Memorizing Peter's rules was definitely a hobby of mine.

47. Thank goodness I didn't listen to any of them when the time actually came.

48. This music. Wow.

49. Robbie is a pop punk hipster. I dig it.

50. I forgot how much I tried to change different parts about myself. Never Vaseline on my eyelashes, but being a 14-year-old girl with perfectionism was exhausting.

51. I vividly remember doing the pencil test. Much like Georgia, I got teased for being "voluptuous."

52. Popping each other's pimples? That's friendship right there.

53. I forgot how annoying Jas is.

54. Abandoning your friends for your boyfriend is in the top five things not to do in the Girl Code handbook.

55. But slut shaming your friend, is never acceptable either.

56. I feel you on the side burns and mustache, Ellen.

57. Am I the only one who didn't go to a single party in high school?

58. Peter Dyer ignoring all of Georgia's hints to go away makes this Nickelodeon movie seem more like a Lifetime movie.

59. Currently getting rapey vibes from Peter Dyer.

60. The fact that Jas isn't taking Georgia's side after Peter assaulted her, and the fact that no one brings attention to the fact that it was indeed assault, is making me question my childhood.

61. Libby is my spirit animal.


63. I used to think this was the most romantic kissing scene.

64. Robbie definitely cheated on his girlfriend.

65. Why has this never been an issue for me until now?

66. Boys like Peter are the reason women have to come up with excuses (like being a lesbian) just so they can get away with not going out with them, instead of them just accepting the word "No."

67."Who does level 5 snogging and doesn't have the decency to call?" 90 percent of college guys everywhere. I feel for you Georgia.

68. In what reality would the mean girl ever get up on stage in front of a girl's parents and say that their daughter is a slut?

69. Damn, this movie has a lot of slut shaming for being about 14-year-olds who just kiss each other.

70."You think I'm perfect?" I've said this line at least 50 times in the mirror in my terrible British accent.

71. Singular feminist point in the whole movie: Looking perfect is overrated.

72. Why does this movie have to end with her getting the boy?

73. There's no distinction made between needing a boy to validate your beauty, and having someone who reminds you how amazing you are when you forget from time to time.

74. I'm starting to see where my unrealistic expectations for men came from.

Oh Georgia. Thank you for making me feel less alone when all of the boys in my school wanted to date girls who were perfect and blonde, and understanding what it was like to be neither. Upon reflection: Jas may have given me more than a handful of my body insecurities, Georgia did not always make smart decisions, this movie consists of young adults slut shaming each other to win the heart of a boy, but it still brings me a weird sense of nostalgia. It takes me back to a time where I believed boys would only want me if I looked a certain way. A time in my life before feminism. It's interesting to go back and see my perspective on things, how much I've grown as a person, and learned to love who I am.

But now, I'm longing to find out what 21-year-old Georgia at college would be like. Anyone willing to let me borrow an Ouija board? Because I have a lot of questions for Louise Rennison.

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