74 Bath Bombs To Literally Wash Away Your Mistakes From Last Night | The Odyssey Online
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74 Bath Bombs To Literally Wash Away Your Mistakes From Last Night

If you're in need of some relaxing cleansing, look no further.

74 Bath Bombs To Literally Wash Away Your Mistakes From Last Night
Lush Cosmetics

Everyone makes mistakes, and it feels bad. If you want to wash those mistakes away and feel better about yourself, try one of these bath bombs!

1. The Golden Egg

2. The Chick 'N' Mix

3. Metamorphosis

4. Cupid

5. Over and Over

6. The Rose Bombshell

7. Intergalactic

8. Guardian of the Forest

9. The Yoga Bomb

10. The Experimenter

11. The Lava Lamp

12. Frozen

13. Twilight

14. Butterball

15. Big Blue

16. Sakura

17. Dragon's Egg

18. Blackberry

19. Ickle Baby Bot

20. Pink

21. Tisty Tosty

22. Avobath

23. Fizzbanger

24. Lover Lamp

25. Pokeball

26. Poke-Egg

27. Orange Blossom

28. Almond Coconut

29. Apricot Chamomile

30. Basin White

31. Birthday Cake

32. Blue

33. Blue Heart

34. Butterbomb

35. Calm Waters

36. Dreams

37. Enchanted Waters

38. Evening Woods

39. Florida Sunshine

40. Hidden Treasure

41. Iced Cherries

42. Japanese Cherry Blossom

43. Lavender

44. Lemon Sugar

45. Lily of the Valley

46. Love

47. Love Letter

48. Lovely

49. Margarita

50. Midnight

51. Oatmeal Milk & Honey

52. Orange Cantaloupe

53. Orange Vanilla

54. Paradise

55. Pink Chiffon

56. Pink Heart

57. Pink Sands

58. Pink Sugar

59. Pirate Treasure

60. Plumeria

61. Princess Treasure

62. Satsuma

63. Serenity

64. Shea & Coconut

65. Snowflake

66. Sunrise Sunset

67. Velvet Sugar

68. Viva La Juicy

69. Water Lily

70. Watermelon

71. Wild Jasmine

72. Wishes

73. Therapy

74. Tranquility

If you made it to the end, I hope you found the one you need.

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