Love is the best feeling in the world. Love isn't black or white. Love is the different shades of grey in-between. Love comes in many forms. Love is messy, complicated, and amazing all at once.
He chose me, and I chose him. Ugh I love, love. It's exhilarating and leaves you breathless. It gets your heart pumping. The good kind of hard pump, like right after a fast run, or a long swim. It pumps for the need for more, for the rush that you get. I often hear people describing their favorite sport, or hobby, with this wholehearted great passion. A lot of them use the term "gets your heart pumping". Well Love certainly "gets your heart pumping". In the broadest scientific terms, it is defined as, the release of the happy chemicals in your brain. You're on top of the world when you're in love.
When searching the internet, it can be described as a severe emotional attachment to another. But love isn't just emotional, it's also physical. It's that pull you get whenever a person you love is near; you just have to be closer to them. Or just when it hits you all of a sudden, and you're just like "Damn, he is so freaking handsome." It's not lust. Lust is also fierce attraction, but fleeting. Love is a deeper kind of attraction you feel for someone that you know won't go away, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
I used to be the girl who didn't really care if the guy she was "talking to" texted back.(I mean, there were a few that I quadruple texted but very few, and that was most definitely lust.) I used to be the girl who went out to have fun, and tried not to think about what I was missing in a committed relationship. My best friends would nickname the people I was "talking to" at the time, (yes I'm talking about you, Drug-Dealer David). But now I'm the girl who loves "good morning" texts, and shoving countless nuggets down my throat without being judged. I'm the girl who races into the arms of a guy who truly loves me, and whom I truly love. And let me tell you it is the best feeling in the world to be with them. A little less than a year ago I would've gagged at the above, grossed out by how mushy that was (still sorta am gagging, but still). I'm not saying everyone should strive to always be in a relationship, because I liked being single, but I do think everyone should experience Love.
Love is hard to explain. It makes you crazy, and leaves you breathless. So crazy that a single snapchat from another female makes you see green until they notice, and remind you that they're just a friend. So breathless from your own emotions and desires (and from their kisses) that you see stars. I still catch my breath. But I swear on every star above you, that it is so worth it. It's past Cloud Nine.
Love is amazing. It has made me the happiest girl in the world. Some of you may think that I am foolish. You probably think I am a total idiot to let a guy control my emotions. But you're wrong. He is mine, as much as, I am his. I control my own emotions, and sure I probably got caught up in the whirlwind romance that is our relationship, but that doesn't mean he controls my emotions. I, capital I, love him. I could go on forever about how much, and why, I love my best friend. But that's not the point.
The point is to let yourself love. People are afraid of getting hurt so they resist, I sure did that with Paul. I almost lost him at one point in our friendship because of me resisting his love. But if you embrace it, something beautiful with amazing memories, will come from it. Love a stranger, love your best friend, and love yourself. It is the best feeling in the world.