“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
“For God so loved the world”
“For God so loved the world.” At first glance, this phrase seems so all-encompassing. When we talk about God so loving the world, we tend to think of the world in its entirety rather than focusing on the fact that we are individuals so loved in it.
God created the world, and then his own crown of creation rebelled against him (See Genesis 3). God didn’t have to love the world he created. He could’ve destroyed everyone and everything he had just claimed was “good” and “very good” and started over from scratch.
But he didn’t.
As soon as he saw them in their shame, he told them of their sin, but then comforted them with a promise to save them from the devil, the world, and their sinful nature that had just deceived them and would again and again.
And that promise wasn’t just for Adam and Eve then, it was for all of their descendants, all of Israel, the whole world back then, and the whole world now. And guess who’s included in “the world?” Us. That’s right, you and me. God cares about us so much that he reminds us that he so loved the whole world, you and I included.
Remember that even when you feel like the most wretched of sinners, God so loved you.
“That he gave his one and only son”
God didn’t have to think twice about his plan to sacrifice his only son for the sins of all time. In fact, it was for that very reason that God sent his son into the world (See John 12:27). Jesus’ whole life was centered around his purpose to live and perfect life and die an innocent death in our place.
The very same people who disobeyed God’s one command in the Garden of Eden, he chose to save. To the very same people who nailed his one and only son to the cross he proclaimed, “I forgive you.” And to the very same people who curse his name and deny him to this present day, He proudly calls His children by the blood of His Son. His one and only Son.
“That whoever believes in him shall not perish”
God never wanted His creation to be doomed to eternal death and destruction, so He gave them an alternate option. On our own, we cannot save ourselves. We are powerless when it comes to doing good (See Romans 7:15-20). Jesus was the only one who could come to this earth, be fully human as well as fully God, live a perfect life and die a perfect death in our place.
God sending his one and only son gave us hope that this life and our inevitable earthly death isn’t it for us. There is a place much greater for his believers to look forward to.
“But have eternal life”
This quote right here sums up God’s whole purpose for sending His one and only son to die in our place--for hope. The sin that crept into this world will not be the end of us. Even when we die our earthly deaths, the grave is not where we remain. Those who believe in Him will rise to live a new and glorious life in the riches of heaven.
Therefore, we have a purpose in this world. And that purpose is to be a witness to that truth, a light to that wonderful message. We should “always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that we have” in order to lead others to believe in that truth as well (See 1 Peter 3:15).
John 3:16 gives us comfort that God loves us and because of this, He sent His one and only son to die in our place. His perfect life, innocent death, and glorious resurrection save us from the eternal death we deserve because of our sins (See Romans 6:23). That promise of eternal life is yours, too.
All you have to do is believe in Him.