We all hate taking these classes. Classes that the University requires us to take. The classes that make us want to pull our eyes out of our head. General Education courses are terrible and here are 70 things I would rather do than take one more course that has nothing to do with my major.
1. Always have something in my teeth
2. Vote for Kanye in the 2020 Election
3. Never be able to watch the office again
4. Disagree with Mike Tyson to his face
5. Wear a bikini to my first job interview
6. Wash my face with brick dust
7. Climb Mount Everest while wearing crocs
8. Own a large farm of giant spiders
9. Give pedicures to a Division I College Wrestling team
10. Only be able to watch CNN for the rest of my life
11. Drink 100 proof vodka with no chaser
12. See one of my professors outside of school
13. Be banned from Starbucks
14. Hang out with a mall security guard for fun
15. Use dial-up internet again
16. Take a bath with Parana’s
17. Shave my head
18. Sit through comedy show where the comedian is not funny and no one laughs
19. Drink a gallon of expired milk
20. Work on Dwight Shrute’s beet farm
21. Become a vegan
22. Watch how hotdogs are made… and then eat one
23. Shower myself with maple syrup everyday
24. Share a hotel room with a colony of aggressive bee’s
25. Watch every documentary about plants that has ever been produced
26. Get tackled by Joey Bosa
27. Always smell like gasoline
28. Fart every time I get excited
29. Get punched in the face by Ronda Rousey
30. Eat anchovies until I throw up
31. Have the emotional stability of Vincent Vango
32. Explain to Snoop Dog that there is more to life than weed
33. Get in a fist fight with my grandma on Black Friday because she took the sweater I wanted
34. Wear shards of glass as my contacts
35. Lose the show case show down on the Price is Right
36. Get banned from looking at pictures of Ryan Reynolds abs
37. Attend any school in Michigan
38. Never be able to pet a dog again
39. To always get stuck by the kid with B.O in class
40. Buy another freaking online access code
41. Only drink Natty Light beer
42. Re-read my “My Space” messages from 2010
43. Eat an entire container of cinnamon without water
44. Arrive last to a meeting so I there is only cake donuts left
45. Re-watch the Indians blow a 3-1 lead
46. Sit through a performance where the only thing the actor does is run their nails on a chalkboard
47. Watch the safety video from any chemistry class again
48. Cuddle with a porcupine
49. Share a dorm room with a family of possums
50. Graduate with a degree in “undecided”
51. Willingly delete my Chipotle application on my phone
52.Go through whatever crisis Shia LaBeouf is going through
53. Burn my tongue on a bad cup of coffee
54. Have carrots as my fingers
55. Watch the Green Lantern starring Ryan Reynolds
56. Get lice
57. Find a hairy smelly finger in my Wendy’s Frosty
58. Get a perm
59. Eat mold
60. Glue my fingers together then try to type a 12 page paper that is single spaced
61. Take apart a vacuum and eat the contents after sweeping the carpet at a preschool
62. Wear a turtle neck
63. Accidentally join a cult that requires you to speak in the voice of Rocky Balboa
64. Write a Norwegian history textbook
65. Be known as “that girl”
66. Pepper spray myself then run a marathon with nails taped to my feet
67. Fall in love with a Chipotle burrito
68. Be known as a "person of Walmart"
69. Peel off my fingernails.
70. Re-watch the Twilight Saga