About 40 million U.S. adults suffer from anxiety; which is about 18 percent of Americans age 18 and over, making it the most common mental illness in the country. But even those who haven't been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder aren't immune to experiencing stress, tension and anxiety in their everyday lives. Practicing yoga can not only be an effective stress reliever, but also a way to ease symptoms of anxiety. So here are seven yoga poses to practice that could benefit you.
1. Child's Pose
Helps relieve tension in back, neck and shoulders, which are areas where most people hold a lot of their stress.
2. Supported Shoulder Stand
Calms the brain and helps relieve stress.
3. Tree Pose
By implementing basic standing balances, you promote concentration, focus and awareness. With the attention of taking your mind away from anxiety and placing your attention on your physical self.
4. Legs up the wall pose
Can help you escape the "thinking mind." You don't have to be so flexible or so strong, and yet it's very relaxing and very calming for the nervous system.
5. Standing forward bend
This will wake up your hamstrings and soothe your mind.
6. Warrior III
Improves coordination and balance. Helps calm your mind by shifting your attention away from stressful thoughts and redirects your thinking back to yourself.
7. Headstand
Headstand can help ease stress and anxiety by reversing the blood flow and forcing you to focus on the breath and body in the present moment.