Year after year we make resolutions to become better people on January 1st, but nine times out of 10 we ditch them before Feburary. As college students, it is even harder to make ourselves do anything that is good for ourselves, so here are some resolutions you can actually accomplish in 2016.
1. Watch more Netflix. It's not super productive but super good for your soul and your happiness levels.
2. Eat more foods you like. This is actually the exact opposite resolution people usually work for, but who ever wanted to go with the flow anyway? Plus, eating good food is always amazing.
3. Pet more puppies, kittens and other cute animals. Making this one a goal for 2016 will only bring you pure happiness and joy... and who doesn't want more of that?
4. Make it to a class. This one is a very small resolution (which you hopefully don't need) but will make you feel confident going into 2016. Plus, not a lot of people can say they fufilled their resolution by January 15th.
5. Get more sleep. This is also one that will make you far happier than previous resolutions you have made, plus this one actually has great physical and mental benefits.
6. Say "yes" more. This is an actual resolution that people make, but not necessarily college students. Saying "yes" more consists for us usually taking another shot or staying out later than we probably should. Both of which are not (that much of) a problem.
7. Make time for yourself. Again, being college students everything we do is pretty much about ourselves. But make sure to have time to sit and drink a cup of coffee without taking it on the go to class. Eat a meal without studying or doing homework. Go to some event without being required to.