1. That if you use the same shampoo as someone whose hair you like, then your hair will look like theirs.
The disappointment was real.
2. Also with makeup. If you use the same products as someone, then it would look the EXACT same on you.
I spent way too much time trying to figure out what makeup Hannah Montana wore.
3. That it was illegal to turn on the light in a car and you could get pulled over.
Honestly thought this until I started driving.
4. That no one else knew Miley was Hannah Montana.
I kept her secret safe though.
5. That flashbacks of childhood memories in movies were actually the adult actors as kids.
Don't know how that would have even been possible.
6. If you eat Fruit Gushers, then you would turn into the fruit just like in the commercials.
I was so scared of this happening that I wouldn't let my family eat them in front of me.
7. That people who have the same birthdays were the same age.
Never took into consideration the year people were born.