This era of the 21st century has changed a lot about the functionality of this world. Women being housewives is more of a choice now, rather than a compulsion. With that being said, a lot of us have working moms. They are the pillars of our family, the superheroines that save your ass every time it is on the verge of getting hit. We are inspired by them at least 10 times in one single day. But amongst all of us, there is a percentage of people whose mothers are nothing less than workaholics! They are work monsters or true magicians perhaps. In the constant split between work and home, no-one knows how they manage…
Workaholic moms are the kind to only change their outfits twice in a day- once, from their night suits to their work clothes, and then, from their office attires to their sleeping gowns. If you think you know someone who falls in the category, this is it. Here are the best situations you go through for having workaholics for mothers:
1. She decides your haircuts, no questions asked
No way you're dreaming about the Kardashian lifestyle, my dear. If it's her way (which it will always be), your hair is going to be short. Most suitable for a corporate setup!
2. You've learned all your excuses for running late from her
You're both all about the 'chasing the clock' kinda life.
3. She questions your intellect on every opportunity
Your habit of not applying your brain brings physical pain to her.
4. If you're her first child, her cell phone is her second
You've been replaced, it's true. Make room for the adopted sibling!
5. You know how to survive without home-cooked meals SO WELL!
When it comes to food, life is a party!
6. She asks you the same question 98230173 times
Chances are she has been too mentally occupied to even realize the question has been answered a lot of times now..."For the fiftieth time now, yes, I took the trash out!!!"
7. She will despise your ripped jeans until your last day
It's decided, I will have to turn antisocial and live low. World fashion and my mother don't go hand-in-hand.
Working moms are, honestly, the biggest and smallest entertainment factors of your lives. Smallest, because they are not present with you physically, and biggest because no matter what you do, they are always in the back of your minds. You are always guessing what their reaction might be to whatever you're doing.
I will always be amazed by the amount of energy they have to be able to constantly manage work, home, and your moronic activities.
They are true magicians. Nope, scratch that. They are God.