If you want to make your relationship not only survive, but thrive, there's no better way than to treat it like you're in middle school.
You know middle school drama — the fuss about how Tonisha and Chandler only dated for a week, cheated on each other by holding hands with other people, broke up, and then got back together a few days later. For a few days, Tonisha and Chandler were the talk of the school, until Antonio and Chloe started kissing by their lockers and then had a falling out when Antonio talked to Vanessa, Choe's arch-nemesis.
To make your relationship last and keep it healthy, the best thing you can do is treat it like you're in middle school. As a middle school teacher, I myself have seen how middle school relationships can last as long as a week or two, and now I want to navigate my relationship just like my middle schoolers do.
Here are seven ways to navigate your relationship like you're in middle school:
1. Break up with your partner after a two weeks.
To make your relationship thrive, break up with your partner after two weeks because if you and your partner are actually serious about the relationship, you'll get back together later. You want to play the field and not limit your options so two weeks is the average shelf-life you should give to your relationship.
Make sure to talk to your partner about marriage, children, and spending the rest of your life together, but two weeks is definitely the limit if you want your relationship to thrive like a middle school relationship.
2. Start flirting with all of your partner's friends.
The best thing you can see a relationship as is an opportunity, and especially an opportunity to flirt with all of your partner's cool, funny, and attractive friends that you really want to date. You need to see your partner as just a means to an end to raise your status and popularity within the dating pool and your circle of friends, but be subtle.
Make sure to only ask for your partners' friends numbers because you needed help with a project at work or a present for your partner, and then slowly start complimenting them on their appearance. Like a middle schooler, complain about your partner to them to let them know you're dissatisfied with your relationship.
3. Ask out your partner's friend the day after you break up.
Some people might tell you to be wary of the "rebound," but when you're treating your relationship like you're in middle school, go for the rebound. When you're asking out your partner's friend, let the friend know that you were always not happy with your previous relationship and you always had your sights on the friend, and that he or she was the person you really liked this whole time.
Compliment your partner's friend's appearance after you break up and tell them that they're funnier, more attractive, and cooler than your partner. Start going out and go official on the same day you broke up with your partner so you can help everyone get over their petty drama and emotions immediately rather than gradually — that way, you're doing everyone a favor, like you did in middle school.
4. Overcelebrate your one week anniversary on social media.
Having a relationship that lasts one week is a really big deal — and that means you have to post on multiple social media platforms on how you and the love of your life made it one week. Make sure to post not only on Facebook, but also Instagram and Twitter, and even make a TikTok video about how this past week has been the best week of your life because your new partner has changed your life and made your days significantly more happy.
5. Neglect school or your job because of your relationship.
It's really important to idolize your partner and completely neglect all your obligations if you want to treat your relationship like you're in middle school — so make sure to call out of work the entire week or not do any assignment you have to do for school. When your boss sees you at a restaurant and berates you for lying about your sickness, excuse yourself and don't back down about devoting all your time to the love of your life.
When your professor asks why you didn't circle any answers on the test, make sure to tell your professor that you couldn't concentrate because you're in this great new relationship that's your future husband or wife. When you get fired from work or put on academic probation, it doesn't matter, because you're doing the right thing by treating your relationship like a middle school relationship.
6. Text each other with horrible grammar and excessive emojis.
Despite the fact that it takes you just as much time to type "you" than "u", make sure to text using an excessive amount of acronyms, pet names like honey or baby, and simply just don't use proper English in your texting. Don't actually spell out "with", but use "w/" or "wit". Don't use any apostrophes because your partner will know what you mean.
And then use a lot of heart emojis, kissing emojis, smiley face emojis, and essentially overuse the entire emoji keyboard. Your use of emojis is a symbol and measure of your affection for your partner, so don't hold back, especially with the heart eyes emoji, exactly like a middle schooler would do.
7. Be overly clingy but realize it's just casual and not meaningful in the long-term.
In your relationship, make sure to spend every waking moment together. You need to spend as much possible time together and be texting all the time. If your partner hasn't texted you back within 20 minutes of your text, make it some kind of ghosting competition where you don't text them back after 30 minutes, but communicate that you don't take not texting back within 20 minutes very personally.
But since you're only going to be dating two weeks max anyways, your note that the relationship is just casual and not meaningful in the long-term. It doesn't matter that you spent a lot of your time talking about marriage and kids. It doesn't matter that you've even met each other's parents and essentially moved in together for a week or two — since it's you're treating it like its a middle school relationship, the spark only lasts the two weeks, and then you break up.