It's always hard when a friend in general moves away. You feel like your days become boring, and lonely. You simply have no idea what to do with yourself.
I spent everyday with my best friend. We worked together, we slept over each other's houses every night, we shopped together, we ate at diners at 3 a.m., we took rides blasting music into the city, she taught me how to make french toast, we did homework together- we did everything together. You would never see one of us without the other. She moved a little over a year ago to Florida and since the day she left, there has been a space in my heart that feels empty. It took time for me to accept her decision to move, but luckily we did not drop the friendship like what happens in most scenarios.
Going from seeing your BFF everyday to twice a year is difficult, especially when there is something new to talk about on the reg. Luckily, with our technology today, there are some things you can do to make it feel like she/he has not completely left. Here is a list of things to do with your long distance BFF.
1. Texting
Text your BFF everyday to ask how they are doing, or if you simply just want to talk. When I wake up it is almost natural to text my long distance BFF and vice versa. Every single day we are texting about something new. There are times when we text that one of us just went to the food store or that one of us just bought a new top.
2. Phone Calls
Of course if you do not feel like texting because there is always so much to say and you do not want your fingers to fall off, call your BFF! I always end up calling mine when I am walking home from class or when one of us is going through something that consists of wanting to hear the other's voice. And naturally, the gossip that happens in our boring lives we just have to call and tell one another.
3. FaceTime
FaceTime is the closest thing to basically being together. Whenever I am feeling down or when I simply just want to see my BFF, and of course vice versa, we FaceTime. We can spend hours talking to each other and then there are times where we do not say anything at all and do other tasks but still keep our FaceTime up- it is like we are just hanging out watching the late night episodes of Hey Arnold during our sleepovers.
4. Planning Trips
Planning visits to see each other is always a mood-booster. It is important to keep the friendship strong, therefore showing that you care and want to take the time to see your BFF is key. Distance should not matter, when it comes to your BFF you should want to see the new environment and not put a budget on the trip. I am a college student therefore my Spring Break is in the middle of March, so my BFF planned a flight to come into our hometown to be able to see me.
5. Mailing Little Reminder Gifts
My BFF is a festival junkie and a total flower child. She loves wearing bracelets and dying parts of her hair pink which is a look she can totally pull off. Even though I do not make a lot of money, I still wanted to send her a thoughtful gift, which was an infinity bracelet from Etsy. Sending little gifts is sentimental because it shows you are thinking of your BFF and that you saw something that completely called their name. Even if you want to get something engraved or something personal, there are a million websites that offer this. Another idea is Editable Arrangements, because I mean who doesn't love chocolate covered fruit?
6. Taking Pictures Every Chance You Get
Taking pictures is a memory capture and something to look at when you are missing your BFF. This is something I wish I did before my BFF moved, because out of all honesty I think we have only two pictures, which is so hard to believe right? But of course when we are reunited, expect to see all social media filled with our pictures.
Just because your BFF moved away doesn't mean you should treat the relationship any different. Your BFF is your best friend for a reason, and the friendship is something to always treasure. If you have a person who was close to you that moved away, send them a text or give them a call. There are always ways to still stay connected and it always makes time spent together more meaningful and fun.